Easy Camera Distortion and Manipulation (GONE WRONG) **Professional edition** CUSTOM SHIFTLOCK NEW || Roblox Roblox Studio

Sorry late reply,

Well I’m not exactly a CFrame expert myself, so can’t exactly say for sure if matrix is useless (probably better in certain scenarios because it’s a feature).

If you’re curious tho, I suggest searching up how matrix works or asking a better scripter about it.:+1::+1::+1::+1:

Personally all I use for CFrames are:

CFrame.new() – New CFrame

CFrame.lookAt() – New CFrame + Makes the object face another part

CFrame.Angles() – Angles thingy (honestly have no clue how this works besidesthat it uses radians instead of degrees

CFrame.LookVector() – Gives a Unit Vector in the direction of the CFrame (a bit hard to explain but it’s pretty simple and has alot of uses for creating projectiles, making movement.) Also has “UpVector” and “RightVector” counterparts

CFrame:Lerp(TargetCFrame, Alpha) – Basically it’s kinda like tweening. So it moves the CFrame towards the TargetCFrame by using Alpha. (Lets say Alpha is 0.5, then the function will return a CFrame that is in middle of the original CFrame and and TargetCFrame)

^^^ Great for slowing down an object when it approaches a certain position / rotation (If you want the formula for lerp (which is pretty basic), just search up: “Lerp Formula”)

and I also use the math formulas given by the developer page

These are usually my most frequently used CFrame stuff, as they are simple but can do so much with it

The other stuff are also super helpful too!

Example: CFrame:ToEulerAnglesYXZ() can convert the rotation value of a CFrame to orientation form, This is incredible for making objects face the direction of a camera or any other object but you don’t want it rotating up and down (Like a ship)


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oki!! (even though there might be one already)

will attempt to make it pretty in-depth


best post ive ever seen on the devforum, thank you


how would i make this work with a fully custom camera

erm… the humor… i love it GDSGASGASSFAG

LOL I love that last cutoff discord message

btw this is very professional and u professionally explain to me how cframe works !!11 :fire::fire:
(now i can make a very professional thick camera effect :face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow: game!!)
10/10 :star::star::star2::sparkles::dizzy:


Best post i’ve ever seen for something, thank you for this…!

same, same


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Changing R00 with magic formula makes screen entirely black, even if its default 1, when i change it to 1 it still makes screen entirely black

comedy gold right there

this is super cool, i’m gonna use this in a game, i’m already cooking up a song for it lmao

How can i make a stretched res effect but actually stretching it sideways instead of compressing it vertically?

edit: u can do it by changing the fov part of the magic formula. the op should update that post but like he hasnt been on the devforum in a while so just take my word for it.

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