Easy Datastore - new and easy datastore module

Oh, that’s high!
I honestly don’t know why someone would need 1 request per second, by the way,
but definetly sounds very optimised.

I guess the module is ‘too optimised’ now?

Its still bad practice to do frequent saves due to the preformance costs.

When you view your metrics for your game, you dan see how roblox outlines preformance as a metric for determining how they promote your game on the platform. Roblox specifically promotes games that preform better and have less requests.

Roblox Datastore is garbage and I use my own solution. I connect to a PHP server and save all transient changes. It’s not only triple as fast, but it isn’t as unreliable as the mess of a system we have.

In my opinion, using Datastore at all is bad practice, host your own cloudflare server farm and create a php server.


A big reason for the 80%+ is the acess the free datastores. If you use your own datastore system you have to pay for, you might as well switch to a platform like unity.

This module particullary turns the garbage datastore system into a somewhat reliable system. It has failsaves, anti corruption, data compression, and run time data recovery in events of failure. There are more features you will have to check out too!

Also if you tinker the code a bit, i bet you could get it to work with your own datastore too!

Sure? @Heimskeet just proved you it’s high limits.

Useful for sharing data between spetially important games, I think it’s a very good solution.
@KrimsonWoIf, Any module can be modified to have access to your servers.

I already run data compression using a multithreaded Convolutional Neural Network, resulting in compacted datablocks that are much smaller than what LZMA2 could provide. The only “payments” I make is the server hardware. My farms have solar on their roofs, the energy cost is free and in most cases, net positive, the city grid pays me money, allowing me to pay for the cloudflare networking completely for free as well.

If you own the servers, especially with solar power, you had to pay thousands of dollars to get them in the first place.

Its great that you sre net positive, but it should be understood that this is a post regarding a module for saving data using roblox’s datastores.

Most developers dont have acess to the capital required to get started with their own servers or space for that matter. Maintaining servers is also a pain too.

Anyways, so while it may work for you, owning your own servers is not a practical for most developers (whom are also likely under 18 including myself.)

First, the drama with Auto scalar and now this? Dang, this guy really is receiving some great criticism and hate. Count me in then.

First let’s talk about this data store.

The fact you counted huge modules like ProfileService and DataStore2 as alternatives is seriously something you yourself should be ashamed of. Right now, even if someone uses DS2, he’s still good! DS2 was so well-made that now, even though it’s not maintained, it’s still properly useable. But, ProfileService (PS) has now better options which superseded DS2. It supports almost every single feature of a data store you can imagine. GDPR requests, autosaving, session-locking and more!

Also, you said they are less optimized which is an entire lie. Yes, complex doesn’t always mean better optimized, but in PS, optimization and performance is the first priority.

Not only that, but you said etc, meaning you’re considering yours to be the “best of all data stores”. Simply a lie.

I’ve checked your code and it is very poor. Nowadays, no Data store modules use folders for data saving. Folders are instances meaning they hold at least a bit of memory of the data created and parented to the folders.

Not just that, you even spelled setup wrong…

A developer will never consider his project to be the best. You have only listed advantages of your project but not the cons of it.


Forget the data storing module…

You even created a chaos in your auto scalar post! I have seen people have a history of bad activities, but this is just next level. You copy-pasted the code, changed the code to change all UI elements’ position mode from Offset/Scale to just Scale which is even worse. You should’ve talked or tried to understand UI designing first. Not in all cases, offset is bad. It is a pretty important feature too. If it wasn’t Roblox wouldn’t have just kept it and would’ve just deprecated this position mode.

You didn’t even credit the original creator and caused so much drama. Please don’t cause another drama for your own betterment.

Thank you.

my own-made QOTD

People these days run after money, fame and views. That’s reality for you.


I understand folders use a tiny amount of memory, but the impact is certainly a good trade off for the ease of use in the module.

I present this module as “the best” to promote critical thinking about my module so that I can continue to refine and improve it based on feedback given by a more active engagement.

As for the typo and autoscalar, they are unrelated to the module content itself. As stated, I want you to prove me wrong of it being the best, so I can continue to refine and improve it (entire point of making it open source.) please prove me wrong and find out specifics on ways the module is inferior.

He did, folders use pointless instance memory when it could be done more efficiently.

“The best” is the best, yours is flawed.

Stop using AI to type up your responses.


You can use tables or metatables and when done, do setmetatable(table, nil) to just clean it up or do something like table.clear(table) or whatever the function’s called. In this way, even if you forget to clean up the tabl,e gc will try to take care of it. Where in the case of folders, it’s not very friendly. You’d have to do things manually always.


This thread just looks like trying to prove to an AI that it’s wrong, but it is constantly forgetting the fact it’s wrong


Once again you provide no proof that 5 minute data saves would actually contribute to that. Especially when I have already brought ACTUAL evidence to the table.

I’ve already done the math, roblox has limits, you are well within those limits when autosaving. There is literally no issue with it, and you have yet to prove otherwise.

please actually prove how 1 save out of 50 every 5 minutes is going to make roblox affect your game. Like actually.

For the love of all that is roblox bring up evidence instead of spewing stuff.

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You are advertising to be easy, but at the cost of being easy your structuring is extremely bad and using folders that take up server memory are extremely bad practices.

If you want to use an easy datastore just use suphi’s, it’s actually goated.

I personally dont use ProfileService but saying its worser than yours is extremely funny to me as it is probably the best datastore if you can learn to use it.

I don’t see why to switch to this, from well established modules, and even if we didnt include your history, there is still no real reason to switch to this.


I really like this module, IDRC about all the comments or what anyone is saying. Profileservice is better, I mean it really is when you try to save pets. I just tried to use it to save some pets and yeah, its not the easiest thing in the world. In profileservice I just added a table called “Pets = {}” into my template. This module has a more roundabout way of doing it because it is meant for easy datastoring. Honestly, anyone new to roblox scripting really needs to find this post as this module script when I went through it was easy to understand, easy to learn from, and easy to use for most saving concepts. That being currency, gems, diamonds, gold, etc. Once you get into saving buildings/parts/tables it gets a bit more worky. Thank you for sharing this, and it is coded pretty well from what I seen. I like the boost functions as it can show others how to build on concepts.

If there is any confusing about the folder system, I want to assure you that the module isnt doing anything like storing the data in the form of folders. The only purpose of the folders is to serve as a configuration, much like plugins do. These folders have little to no impact on the memory your game uses, as they arent actually objects rendered into your game. Furthermore, roblox shows extreme resilience in terms of how much it can handle, and a few folders will have zero impact on preformance.

Thank you! I really appreciate this reply! If you encounter any issues or have any feedback let me know! I would also love to see any games you end up making with the module.

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Does this support tables inside tables? I know that is a bit more complex, but some variables I use in PS I have tables inside a table to help define types, like Level: number and Enchantment: String inside a table called “Enchantments”. I haven’t put a lot of work into it I think it might work but I just wanted to ask if you have done this before with EasyDS?

It doesnt but I can add this feature pretty easily. Also, I can make a plugin to help add new ones if you want

Would you like me to get started adding this?

Anyone new to Roblox Development should not use this. This module has extremely bad AI generated code and is extremely unoptimized. If these new Roblox developers are looking to use data stores, they should learn how to use an actually good module like ProfileService.