"Easy UI Tools" Plugin by JameDev --- v1.0.6!

Easy UI Tools

This is a free plugin made by JameDev - Roblox to make the process of creating UI easier and faster. It is avialable for free on the Developer Marketplace under this link:

If you encounter any bugs or wish to share some feedback, make sure to leave a comment.

Thank you for using it!

Functions of the plugin:

Insert UI: Directs to a insert UI Menu
Position UI: Directs to a position UI Menu

Quick Actions:
Fast Scale: Changes the size and position to scale instead of offset
Fit Parent: Changes the size to fit the parent (1,0,1,0)
Transparent: Make the background transparent
Constraint: Adds a constraint to keep the ratio between the X and Y Scale
Bevel: Add rounded corners (Border Radius Preference)
Square: Add a ratio, that makes the element squared

Quick Position:
Position and Anchor an UI Element at these Positions:

  • Top Left
  • Top Center
  • Top Right
  • Middle Left
  • Middle Center
  • Middle Right
  • Bottom Left
  • Bottom Center
  • Bottom Right

Quick Text:
Dark: White text, dark background, apply FontFace preference
Light: Black text, white background, apply FontFace preference
Scaled: Activate scaled text
Stroke: Add a stroke to your Text (Stroke Thickness preference)

Quick Reclass:
Coming Soon

Edit Preferences:
FontFace: Change the standard Font Face
Stroke Thickness: Change the standard Stroke Thickness
Border Radius: Change the standard Border Radius (in scale)
Show Tool Tip: Disable or Enable the Tool Tip displaying informations for a function

Tool Tip:
The Tool Tip currently needs you to click in the plugin to position itself correctly.


Insert UI Layout:

Position UI:

To head back from one of the 2 menus above to the main menu, click on the title:

Version Log


- Global Release
	- Main
		- Added Insert UI and Position UI
		- Added Quick Actions
			- Fast Scale
			- Fit Parent
			- Transparent
			- Constraint
			- Bevel
			- Square
		- Added Quick Position
			- Top Left
			- Top Center
			- Top Right
			- Middle Left
			- Middle Center
			- Middle Right
			- Bottom Left
			- Bottom Center
			- Bottom Right
		- Added Quick Text
			- Dark
			- Light
			- Scaled
			- Stroke
		- Added Quick Reclass Coming Soon Text
		- Added Edit Preferences
			- FontFace
			- Stroke Thickness
			- Border Radius
			- Show Tool Tip
	-Insert UI
		- Added Insert UI Layout
			- Simple
			- Extended
		- Added Insert UI Elements
			- Frame
			- TextButton
			- TextLabel
			- ImageButton
			- ImageLabel
			- ScrollingFrame
			- TextBox
			- ViewportFrame
			- VideoFrame
	- Position UI
		- Added Position Presets
			- Top Left
			- Top Center
			- Top Right
			- Middle Left
			- Middle Center
			- Middle Right
			- Bottom Left
			- Bottom Center
			- Bottom Right
		- Added Custom Anchor


- Fixed a few bugs and made it work without Beta Feature UIListLayout Flex Features


- Made Fast Scale work, when the GuiObject is in another GuiObject (did not work properly before)
	- Made Constraint work, when the GUiObject is in another GuiObject (did not work properly before)
	- Made Inserting UI have white background, a normal size (not 0,0,0,0) and no border
	- Removed "Reclass UI" and its "Coming Soon" text, because it was useless and probably not coming to soon, since this isn't a priority


	- Tool Tip Support for Insert UI
	- Adjusted padding
	- Addded tip to return to main menu
	- ui scale with smart center anchor  
	- automatic add numbers to name 
	- New Preferences Frame 
		- Custom Color Theme
		- UIScale Preference
	- Version Control System
	- Fixed Auto Open on Studio Start
	- Visual Update Log
	- Hint to set Preferences on first use


- Added Dropdown Menu to font Preference


        Improved Preferences Frame UI
        Added Update Log History (Buggy Padding)
        Added Plugin Scale Preference (0.8-1.2)
        Added Plugin Theme Preference
        Made UI Elements smaller for multiple reasons
        Validating Input in Preferences
        Fixed Errors related to Font Preference
        Improved Plugin Stability
        PopUp that explains HTTP Request Access for Analytics


      Removed a Bug that caused the plugin to not work properly when the game Was not published

If you want to support me feel free to purchase one of the gamepasses on this game (trough the roblox shop, not in-game):


Could you show what it does? :sweat_smile:


Done! I was already editing it when u replied that, just didnā€™t want to upload all at once. Sorry!

needed to take it offline, theres a major bug, updates soon!

okay problem found, it was this beta feature

it needs to be enabled to use it

U need to enable the Beta Feature called ā€œUIListLayout Flex Featuresā€ to use it properly!!!
Need to redo the layout because i didnt realise it was a beta feature!

This is the case for one of my plugins too. Iā€™m going to keep using it, though.

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Version v1.0.1 is out!
Now works without enabling the beta feature.

Fixed it by switching to uigridlayouts instead of uilistlayouts

Just wanted to thank you, 600+ people already installed the plugin :saxophone:

Hey! I just want to say I absolutely love this plugin! It really saved me from the agony of dealing with the weird-ass abomination that is the Roblox UI Builder. Your plugin made working with Robloxā€™s UI Editor so much simpler.

Iā€™m not sure where you are or what your preferences are, but I just wanted to send my best wishes your way


Nice to hear, anything you want me to improve? I have an unreleased version rn with a few more functions, havenā€™t released it since a few things arenā€™t working 100%

I had a lot ideas actually, albeit they are more like quality-of-life features. Unfortunately my mind had forgotten all of it rn. At the moment all I can add is the ability to quickly select anchor point for the ui (top left, top middle, top right and so on ā€¦).

Do you intent do opensource the project? I would love to contribute bc I found the tool help me so much.

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Could definetly make it open source with the next version, would love to see what other people add to the plugin. I will probably create a github with a bit of documentation if so. Also itā€™s not written very clean and everything in 1 script. If someone could improve that it would help alot.

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Hey! Just want to ask something it happens a lot now when doing Fast Scale in frames it outputs error like

cloud_17386354664.EasyUIToolsByJame.EasyUIToolsMain:272: attempt to index nil with ā€˜IsAā€™

and doesnā€™t do anything to the frame and that happend too when trying to add UIAspectRatioConstraint
but in things like TextLabel i just get

Argument 1 missing or nil

Is that something wrong from me or is it plugin error ? iā€™ll put images too to see it from the output

Btw Great plugin it really helped me alot!!!

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Hey! Thank you for reporting this bug, could you explain to me in which scenario this happens? does it happen always or when you Fast Scale something inside of a certain object? Because for me it works in frames.
Maybe you could send me a .rbxm file of the ui that it happens in, that would be really helpfull!
(Also sorry for the late reply, i got no notification somehow)

also v1.0.3 just released, make sure to update it!

added a dropdown menu to the fontface preference

v1.0.5 released, go update it now yay

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Randomly the plugin disappeared from my plugins I canā€™t find it.

Thatā€™s unfortunate to hear, do you have any Infos you could help me with? Heard this issue from someone else too but I couldnt Figure out why. You could try to install the latest Version from the github and drag it into your plugins folder until I find the cause.

Hereā€™s the github link, download the .rbxm file.

If you are an experienced dev, you could try looking into it and search the cause. Plugins structure is not good in this Version, the one I am currently working on has a better structure with moduleScripts.

Lemme know if you can fix it or at least temporarly fix it.

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