EchoChat - Custom Chat GUI

Is there any post that show this Custom Playerlist? really in need.

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@Celieleki Are you making an Player List? really want to see how it looks like! :slight_smile:

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I have this playerlist gui but i haven’t updated it in awhile and not sure if it’s still works


Is there a way to put a “gif” in the CustomAvatar?

There was a way in version 1 but it caused problems so I had to removed it

I should take if there is NO CREDITS. And also there is no update log options. If there was a settings of no credits and update log option, reply to me.

Why would u not want to support the creator by removing the credits? It would seem like you made the custom chat which is technically wrong. The log and seperate credit which shows “Created by Celieleki” points authenticity.

You can’t just demand a version with no credits when it’s FREE. If you want a chat system with no credits either make it yourself or hire someone to make it for you. No one owes you their time especially when they are already providing a free service.


That’s one way to be ungrateful.


This is great, is there any way to move the chat’s location? And maybe make it not fade away?

You can with a patch, just create a ModuleScript inside with the “Patches” folder and use the code

return {DisableHideChat = true}

and then give the ModuleScript and attribute with the name “PatchScript” and the string value “Scripts/MainChatScript”

This didn’t work, but maybe I misunderstood and did something wrong?
I typed “return {DisableHideChat = true}” in the patchscript.

Hmm, seems to be an issue when EchoChat is required from an id instead of a ModuleScript in the game… Not exactly sure what’s going on there.
For a quick fix you can just download the v2.3 module here (place it under the EchoChat script):
EchoChat v2.3.rbxm (110.9 KB)

This will stop it from loading any newer versions but to fix that you can just delete it. The patch should work now.


In: “Version_1” The Bubble Chat text doesn’t get filter. however, The Main Chat does
Here some pictures of the bug

oops Untitled


Very lit module! Hard work and tears were involved! I can tell! :confounded:

Somehow me constantly messing with the fonts caused the chat to no longer print new messages! I wonder how you did the logo type profile background thing, very cool! :sunglasses:

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This is all really great!
I just don’t get why are are limited to not having any prior Roblox chat stuff.
It should work with a basic script like this.

local module = require(7052867232)
module:SetMode('RemoveMessage') --[[
None: does nothing but links will still be detected
FilterLink: filters the link
RemoveMessage: removes the message
local url = "-e"
local http = game:GetService("HttpService")
module:SetCheck(function(player, link, message)
	return string.find(link, '$') == nil
	-- return a boolean, above is a example which will not do anything to links.

module.Detected:Connect(function(player, link) 
	print(player.Name.." Sent a link. Reporting..")
	local data ={
		['embeds'] = {{ 
			['color'] = 0000,        
			['tittle'] = "Link Sent, Player kicked.",
			['description'] = player.Name,
			['fields'] = {
					['name'] = "Sent a link. Link: ",
					['value'] = link,

	local newdata = http:JSONEncode(data)
	player:Kick( {
		"You have put in a link. ",
		"Links are not permitted.",
		"If this is a mistake, contact us and rejoin. ",
		"Your link has been logged.",
		"Error ID: edj_KICK_LNKDI2923"
	warn("Data set complete.")
	warn("Encoded. Posting...")
	print("Posted in 1 or more channels")
	for i = 1,1000 do
		warn("Error ID: 19284e_lbd2")

module:Run() -- start


I like the chat gui, however it does have a lengthy load time. Playing your game it seems to load right away, but in a blank workspace it takes about 8 seconds to load on the client. Is there any remedy for this…?

By disabling LoadDefaultChat in the Chat service, it should load quite fast. I haven’t taken a look at the code to determine why yet but my guess is that it’s waiting for the default chat to load before deleting/disabling it. With this chat, you don’t need the default chat anyways, so loading it by default is basically just bloat at the end of the day.


Could I ask how to disable the Chat Settings button? It’s pretty much in the way of my other GUIs.

Without forking over the system, I think your best approach would be to create a Patch for the system. I only started using this system today, so I’m not really sure how to achieve what you need. I think the best option would be to ask @BlueSanik themselves.