When I make a lot of Editable Meshes and parent them to their own MeshPart, some or all of them start disappearing. This bug occurs differently depending on how you position the vertices.
Some examples of this happening:
Reproduction Steps
This bug happens consistently; every time
Create Editable Meshes in chunks, with the parent MeshParts position at 0,0 and vertices positioned in world space
Create Editable Meshes in chunks, with the vertices positioned in local space around its parent MeshPart; Meshpart at the chunks position instead of 0,0
Reproduction Files
Code making the Mesh is in ServerScriptService > Gen > Line 120 Repro Places
Expected Behavior
Editable Meshes visible to camera shouldn’t disappear
Is the EditableMesh noticeably bigger than the mesh part it’s parented under? I believe there was a problem with culling based on the size of the MeshPart instead of the EditableMesh
We are currently investigating the issue. It would be really appreciated and helpful if you could kindly share us the repro file with EditableMesh at the same size as the MeshPart. Thanks a lot for reporting the bug!
Hi! Apologies for the late reply. I haven’t experienced this issue lately, seems to have gone away. Not sure how or when. I’ll definitely share a repro file if I encounter it again.
On a side note: will the scale and offset properties be implemented for EditableMeshes? They don’t seem to do anything at the moment.
Hello folks! I just enabled a fix in Studio Beta for this mismatch between visuals and bounding boxes used for frustum culling. Please give things a re-test and let this thread know if it is resolved or is still problematic, thanks!