[Effect] v1.1 Lightning Beams: Seamless, smooth and procedurally animated with beam-like properties


I know a lot of developers, new and old, use this module, I made a Visualizer Game where you input all the settings to make the bolts in a easy way. All default values were pulled from the default values within the module!

It has the currently updated module as well as a working sparks module with it.

Hopefully this helps anyone new too the module, or current users who want to play around with settings, easily! I also made the game editable so you can see exactly I how I created these effects! :slight_smile:

Thanks to @sinanxd2 for the idea, from a previous reply - just wanted to make it a public tool/resource for everyone to use!


also need this, anyone have the code for it?

Greatly appreciated and easy to follow code examples, glad you did this because I was about to start on that journey (wanted to play around with settings in real-time) and glad I read down further in the topic. :rofl:


Why does it not show on the client, but on the server it does?

what i did was create a remote event and then when you do it on the server , pass all the needed arguments to the client using fireallclients() using the remote and then require the lightning module on the client and do it all there so it shows

edit: it shows on the server only cuz it parents the parts to workspace.Camera and the server and clients have diff cameras so it doesnt replicate if that makes sense
u can try edit the module so instead of parenting the parts to the camera u can parent it to somewhere in the workspace so it replicates properly but i think it’d lag alot more hence why it’s already stored in camera

i already fixed it a while ago, but thanks anyway

(i was using the same fix)