I made a character controller that allows for a style of movement you would typically find in 3D platformer style games. It works with both keyboards and controllers and could easily be extended to mobile with a little extra work. I decided to release this to give those interested in making a game like this an idea of one way to put this together.
Move Set
Double jump: (Press jump twice)
High jump: (Crouch and jump while not moving)
Long jump: (C…
Here is Ego Moose’s movement system. ITS REALLY GOOD. He has this command to make it where you can upload the animations locally. It works in studio only the animations. I need it to work when you publish the game/ client.
He says
“If you are looking to upload the animations yourself then the animation editor saves can be found under each animation object.”
Where is the animation object? I am confused
November 16, 2020, 6:27pm
So if you go under the animations folder under the custom movement folder:
Under each of these animations is a KeyFramesequence which can be loaded into the animation editor:
To do this, create a R15 dummy, make a model under it name AnimSaves
and place these keyframe sequences under it.
From there you can load these animations in the animation editor and upload them yourself.
Hope that helps! Good luck!
Thank you it worked. And omg ty so much for commenting too.