[EN] Sound Manager - Vestá Studios [V4.3.4]

InsertService Fix (‘Sound Manager’) - Keep Your Game’s Sounds Clean :loud_sound:

Tired of exploiters popping up sounds in your game? InsertService Fix automatically gets rid of any sound that isn’t on your approved list, so you don’t have to worry about it.

What it does:

  • Removes unwanted sounds as soon as they’re added.
  • Only lets in sounds you’ve already approved.
  • Works non-stop without you needing to touch anything.

Why it’s helpful:

  • Keeps your game clean from random sounds.
  • Does all the work for you.
  • Always up-to-date , no need to check on it.

If you want to be sure only the right sounds are in your game, InsertService Fix handles it all.

Special thanks to @Meganwav :heart: for discovering the issue and helping improve the system.

Protect your game with InsertService Fix today – because security matters!

[EN] :us: Sound Manager by Vestá Studios - Get it here!

This system was created by Sparkles, for Vestá Studios & Vestá Systems. The use of this model is allowed through the Toolbox.

Want to support Vestá Studios and its creations? Join our Roblox group and come use our models!

Best regards,
Sparkles :sparkles:
CEO of Vestá Studios.


I don’t see the purpose of this since stuff exploiters add shouldnt be replicated?

Could you explain to me what was wrong before that lead you to assuming this is insertservice? I am unable to find any way for exploiters to use InsertService and have it replicated to other clients.


Hello, Wawa. Thank you for sharing your concern with me:

The Script itself was designed to prevent exploiters from using InsertService (to insert sounds or models that contain unauthorized sounds into the game), because some time ago I had the opportunity to see how exploiters used sounds to exploit a game I was in, and not even its anticheat could stop it at the time. That’s why my friend Khaveshot was able to fix the exploit (obviously, she didn’t tell me so directly, but she sent me a screenshot of the console showing the origin of the exploit and how it was detected). That’s why, she hinted in the console that somehow InsertService was being used to exploit those models. If I find the screenshot, I’ll be happy to attach it.

Best regards,

(Exploit in action ¡¡LOWER VOLUME!!)

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i ALMOST punched my monitor because i had my headset at full volume


The exploiters in your game are most likely abusing the AC6 events in the vehicles, I notice you have A-Chassis and the default sound script in most of those models aren’t secured.

Would usually be fixed with replacing the sound script with something like this Or by going in the sound plugins and securing it from there.

The exploiters are most likely using this

for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace"):GetDescendants()) do
	if v:IsA("RemoteEvent") and v.Name == "AC6_FE_Sounds" then
		v:FireServer("newSound", `blah`, game:GetService('InsertService'), "rbxassetid://9245558138", 1, 10, true)
		v:FireServer("playSound", `blah`)

Or be using this

for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace"):GetDescendants()) do
	if v:IsA("RemoteEvent") and v.Name == "AC6_FE_Sounds" then
		v:FireServer("updateSound","Rev","rbxassetid://9245558138", "1","10")

@watamelnKalashnikov Unfortunately, I didn’t find evidence that she was running it in the console, but I did find the script she used in it.

for i, v in game:GetDescendants() do
    if v:IsA("Sound") then
        if v.Volume > 5 then
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I had the chance to get in touch with an exploiter, he sent me the exploit, and they use this:

local Workspace = Workspace
for i,v in pairs(Workspace:GetChildren()) do
    if v.Veiculo:FindFirstChild("AC6_FE_Sounds") then
       AC6 = v.Veiculo.AC6_FE_Sounds
       AC6:FireServer("newSound", "prohibited", Workspace, "rbxassetid://6150781245", 1, 10, true)
       AC6:FireServer("playSound", "prohibited")

Actually, yes, they used that fix. However, any A-Chassis with Stock Sound will still be vulnerable. (The fix came about because of that issue directly). That’s why I decided to publish this model for a more general fix, for more common situations.

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I apologize, it wasn’t my intention. I forgot to include the warning about the loud sound. (Obviously, the exploiters didn’t put a warning either).

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Hello, just letting you know that I’ve detected an issue with my script (Sound Manager).
The system detects sounds inserted (by non-anomalous users) through Adonis. This might happen because they’re using the InsertService, which inserts sounds. I’m already working on a much better solution so that you can add extra sounds to the system without any trouble with inserting friendly sounds. Cheers to everyone!

(photo of the error found)

I give credit to the person who reported the error to me. I didn’t notice it at the time and I apologize for that.

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Version 4 of Vestá Studios ‘Sound Manager’ is now available. It now includes:

  • Your users will be notified when an attack occurs, so they can call staff or the game owner (if you don’t have staff).

  • Validation of remote events to avoid creating more (unnecessary) for notifications.

  • System improvements, optimization, and bug fixes with the Adonis Loader, the famous Roblox admin.

  • Custom sound list (you can add sounds that can be added to the game with sound or insertservice, as this is meant for non-anomalous users).

(A version of the system will be released that prevents notifications for users who do not wish to use them)

Link: https://create.roblox.com/store/asset/113920063966095/EN-Sound-Manager-Vest-Studios-324

That occurs when Adonis gives you a notification, I don’t believe you have found the issue.

If you put the id you want to insert via Adonis in the extra sounds list, it will not delete it because it is authorized.
You can check it yourself, I think I have a video too, wait for me.

(Demo using the extra sound list, preventing it from being deleted)

Your video doesn’t have sound.

I want to show you how it looks in version 4 of the system, with the latest features:

Sound inserted and authorized in the extra list

Detects the remote event, if it was created it does not create another one, otherwise it creates one for notifications.

Here you have this other one that notifies via console when the sound was detected, and with the direct route.

Roblox recorder didn’t provide sound as I converted it to MP4, and some changes were made. But feel free to check it out on your own! :relaxed:

When I made this version, I added the extra sounds thing, since a dev had detected the problem with the Adonis Loader, and I added the following checker to not delete the extra sounds:

-- Function to handle added sounds
local function onSoundAdded(obj)
    if obj:IsA("Sound") and not ProcessedSounds[obj] then
        local soundId = obj.SoundId:match("%d+") -- Extract the SoundId
        if soundId and not isSoundAllowed(soundId) then
            warn(":warning: Unauthorized sound detected and removed by 'Sound Manager' from Vestá Studios & Vestá Systems: " .. obj.SoundId .. " | Path: " .. obj:GetFullName())
            -- Verificar nuevamente que el sonido sea realmente no autorizado
            if not isSoundAllowed(soundId) then
                -- Desactivar el sonido antes de eliminarlo para evitar conflictos
                obj.Parent = nil -- Desvincular el objeto de su Parent antes de destruirlo
                    if obj then
                        obj:Destroy() -- Eliminar el objeto de forma segura
            ProcessedSounds[obj] = true -- Marcar el sonido como procesado

Sorry if there are some parts in English and Spanish. This is because Spanish is my main language, and there are two versions of the system on the market (English and Spanish)

Analyzing your comment and this post, I couldn’t understand what you mean with this. Could you explain?