Enabling Grid Material turns map invisible

Hello, I am trying to enable grid material in studio, but it turns the whole map invisible instead. Heres an example:

Grid material off:

Grid material on:

Please write a response if it’s occurring for you too, or if you have a fix for it.
Thank you


After doing a bit of testing can’t you hit wireframe rendering which makes you view the triangles of the object. If the problem is grid material try unchecking wireframe rendering, you may have accidentally toggle that option on. Which may be the problem you’re experiencing

Wireframe rendering is not on, I’ve asked a couple of people and they’re having the same problem.

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I have this problem too, been looking for a fix

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Same thing happens to me when I enable Grid material.
Not sure how to fix it.

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Maybe the actual material Studio uses isn’t loaded on the computer? I think reinstalling Studio might work, but I’m really not sure.

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Hello @DaDude_89, I reinstalled Roblox Studio from my computer and then tried using Grid Material but it still does not work.

But thanks for the tryy! :slight_smile:

It used to work for me, but suddenly it doesn’t work. Last time I used it was about 4 days ago.


Maybe Roblox temporarily removed the material?

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Yeah it stopped working yesterday. Like you said roblox might temopratily removed it which is sad because I need it, lol

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Yup, I have the same problem. I am still looking for a way to fix it.

I just found that I have this same problem too.
This plugin seems to work as a stop-gap measure until they fix this.

Thanks alot!

I will be looking into that plugin! :))

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