Im sure they can play the game, they just can’t chat in the game.
In that case, this will depends on the game:
Is the game a roleplay game where you need the chat? Then you still will ruin the fun
Is the game a game typ, that dosen‘t requires any special communication with other players, then it will be annoying, but is better as nothing. Still, aside singleplayergames, I don‘t believe that on Roblox you will many games that, are multiplayer, but don‘t require to talk to other players. If you have a multiplayer, then you really need to talk with others (as exception a few games types like Arsenal, where you don‘t need to talk at all)
Really cool idea, i’ll be sure to insert it into my game when I have the time!
Wow! This is amazing! I have recommended this service to my friends. They tried it, and they loved it! Definitely recommend this product/service to others seeing this post.
Keep up the good work!
You can just use a ML (machine learning) and with neural network to figure out the message is either a malicious message or not, and it’s much reliable, as you don’t need to add new stuff to the network, which you must add new challenges for the captcha if they implemented something that auto-solves your captcha system.
Of course, the ML won’t just determine either it’s malicious or not based on just the link, it should be based on the context.
You don’t even need a captcha as these bots aren’t anything special. Just to have a button that enables chat at the start of the game will probably defeat 99% of them.
Sure, you can do that currently. But bots are already adapting as more games implement simple solutions. As I’ve said earlier, people who run bots will go to great lengths earn a buck or put a message out. So what works now may not work a few months from now.
why not just add a filter for the word {System} and add a list of links that are going around (you can find a lot just by playing bad business; the bots love it there)
edit: actually 4D_X makes a good point; you can easily stop them with just adding something to interrupt chatting for the first like minute. once they chat they leave so if they join, try to chat, then leave, the message won’t go through, obviously, because you can’t chat for the first 60 seconds of joining
Sure, some might implement solutions, but only if they are targeting a specific game. These bots are most likely not injecting any code to simply chat, and are just emulating keyboard strokes to chat. (pressing “/”, pasting their message, pressing enter, and then moving onto the next server).
I think we should leave this issue to Roblox and just continue to educate players on these types of bots. Something like fingerprinting would help this issue significantly, as these bots aren’t on the Roblox webpage at any time, and just launch Roblox with the bots authentication ticket. Captchas just create work for such a simple thing, and I believe it would discourage users from chatting.
What about setting the Modal in one of the buttons to true?
It’s added and will be live along with some other features in the update.
Current Update Additions:
- Fixed mute function.
- SkipAccountAge - Skip verification if the user is over an account age.
- CustomPosition - Set the position of the GUI.
- ZIndex - Set Z-Index of the GUI.
- Modal Button - Functionality in first person.
These features will be live to everyone with the module! We are currently testing to ensure we don’t break any games.
Although that sounds great, it kinda defeats the whole purpose of the service/captcha to prevent these scam bots in the first place.
Something like a captcha is unnecessary for bots that are not that advanced.
The developer can configure the captcha. And in the following updates, developers will be able to track player behavior and only prompt a captcha when necessary. Also, bot developers will continue to innovate their systems. Most bots currently don’t even load much of the client and instead only fire the necessary events to post chat messages.
Assuming that attackers are only emulating the barebore clients is a poor assumption to make. What happens when the attackers start using the entire client? IIRC these barebones bots we have seen are also capable of executing lua and emulating physics. There have also been examples of full client bots, as it is pretty trivial to bypass the single client restriction that Roblox places on your machine. This solution that OP has made seems to be worthwhile to me at least.
it takes too much memory to use the entire client. also this entire concept sucks beause if they start emulating the entire client they might as well just use the actual client and then they can just create an autoexecute script on join to solve this captcha…?
i said barebones for a reason. I don’t think they even need to solve the luau challenge to send chat messages.
these are actual roblox clients! of course there are people who have actually done lots of work to emulate lots of things the roblox client can do, but i believe you’re referencing something else because you took time to mention “single client restriction”
If they don’t load much of the client, why make an advanced captcha system? I see this as overkill.
That’s very good and useful! well done.
It’s not what they do now - it’s what they can do. Bot developers will do whatever possible to earn money. They might end up running the client eventually or find ways around normal methods. These people aren’t dumb making the bots, they got around the login captcha and will do whatever needed to get around games. We have to take action now by protecting games the best possible.
It’s decently hard to emulate a roblox client, at least for beginners. It takes a lot of time to figure out how to exactly copy everything without being kicked for malicious activity. The bot developers would have to account for VPS & other resources (like uptime) to make money. VPS’ (decent) cost a bunch of money and when the developer can’t figure out how to do something, they’re forced to either upgrade their program or use the actual Roblox launcher which would need more CPU, Ram, and possibly GPU. If you make a system, that is updated regularly, I assure you, no bot developer will have time to keep figuring things out on the emulation.
Captchas are annoying. Roblox’s signups have significantly decreased because little kids can’t solve the captchas. If someone can make a bypass to the best captcha provider based on security (funcaptcha), they can definitely make one to this. Machine learning has evolved so much that they can easily solve the captcha in less than half a second.
If you just make something simple, like a certain checkpoint in the game before you can talk (like completing the tutorial), or something that would be hard to emulate, it will be the best option.
Regardless if you were to use this, which is a well made creation but not in terms of security, get ready to start making heaps of images as the bot can simply check and save the imageId.
good work though