Enhanced Account Verification to Combat Exploitation on Roblox

The main issue is that they are not being banned swiftly enough by Roblox and the rare bans they do get don’t even apply to main/alt accounts. Roblox is deliberately choosing not to ban exploiters, even the ones they detect.


We covered it in our creator AMA and the granular permissions for the Moderation tab in Creator Hub are currently being developed.

Absolutely. These quarterly banwaves aren’t cutting it and exploiters know it.

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Quarterly (at best) banwaves that only ban for 1 day, strategically timed to line up with their punishment-reset window so that they don’t have to actually terminate any accounts (aka damage their DAU metrics)

Hyperion might be a competent system but if Roblox doesn’t ban anyone and doesn’t provide developers with detections, it’s effectively nonexistent. How many topics about ‘combatting unfair play’ are they going to make before they actually do something about the issue? They lay out these elaborate policies just to avoid banning offenders because exploit bots make up at least 20% of the userbase.

If Roblox isn’t going to ban them, then the best solution to OP’s problem would be a much stronger BanAPI alt-detection, which should hopefully be coming sometime this year.

I can confidently say that this is not a scare tactic. If these issues aren’t resolved, I will seriously consider switching to other platforms like Steam. As a Roblox player since 2009, when I became a developer years ago, I never anticipated having to deal with such rampant cheating and the worst part is Roblox could do something about it their engineers admitted that they can accurately detect it though they choose not to.

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I can’t believe that this was the only message we received a response to.

The comment about the ban API is ill-referenced. ROBLOX engineers have admitted that they can identify these exploiters and botters. However, they deliberately choose not to take action because the additional accounts make the platform’s user numbers appear more appealing to shareholders, even though it negatively impacts the quality of all the games on the platform.

I understand it’s a tough task, but these ban waves are not cutting it, like at all.