Enroll in the Roblox Beta Program

Opt In, I’d like to be added to the beta program.

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I want to be added to the beta program.
Username: Dr_Bloomfield

Opt in
I would like to participate in the beta program.
User: cloudishian

I want to be added to the beta program.

I would like to be added to the Beta List: tastysushixd

The Beta List has been updated according to your requests.

The following users have been added:

Developer Relations Team


wow am a beta thanks roblox, i will always remember this platform

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Opt in

I want to be added to the beta program list: Dev_Frags


Opt in
I want to be added to the beta program.

Opt in.

I want to be added to the beta system.

Username: SergeantCel

Opt in
I would like to be added to the beta list.
My username is madmurder37.

Opt in
I would like to be added to the beta program. Thanks in advance.

Thanks For Letting Me In! And Good Luck To The Rest Of The People, I Know You Can Make It!

Opt in
I would like to be added to the Beta Program.
Username: [madmurder37]

Opt in,
I’d like to be added into the Beta Program.
Username: [ Awesomegamer50028ALT ]

Hey! Where do I find updates for the beta program? I’d love to check out the features on the website.

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I want to be added to the Beta program.

People Forget To Add The “Opt In” If You Dont Put It You Will Never Be Accepted!

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Thankyou so much for enrolling me it means alot i will try to be more active

Opt in
I’d like to be added to the beta program
Username is pcxboxone2