Enroll in the Roblox Beta Program

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I want to be added to the beta program

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i would love to try new things on the beta program!

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I want to be added to the beta program.

Username: SolaristicGalaxy

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I would like to be in the beta program.

Username: HybridAnarchist

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I want to be added to the beta program.

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I will like to be added.
Username: Okzla

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I would like to be added in the Roblox Beta Program. My username is @Official_DevFrancais.
Have a good day

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Hello I also want to be added to the beta list.

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Hello! I would like to join the beta list, my username is Jackoob_YT. I believe I would be best for this job because I have been playing roblox since 2017 and have played a wide variety in games.

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I want to be added to the beta program

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I would be interested in being added to the Roblox Beta Program. My username is @Gygaxed.

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I’d like to be added to the Beta Program.

My Roblox username is Audissix.

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I see you’re trying hard to get in but you can not beg for it. Be patient.


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I would like to be added to the Beta Program
Username: Varonex_0

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Hello, I am interested in joining the ROBLOX Beta Program.
My username is aidan543217

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Hey there! I’d like to opt into the beta list.

Username: ParticularlyPenguin


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I would like to be added to the Beta Program.
Username: MagneticISO


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I’d like to be added to the beta program.

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I want to be added to the beta program.
Username: MarshyMarioo

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Hello I’d like to be added to the program
Username: Lukashedevr