Enroll in the Roblox Beta Program

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I want to be added to the beta list.

I want to be added to the beta list. - AdvancedDrone

I want to be added to the beta list.
Username: PasocomMusicClub

I want to be added to the beta list.
Username: Fahedg5

You won’t need to re-request according to these previous posts.


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I would love to be apart of the ROBLOX Beta Program!
Username: MySQL_Syntax
(Also if you do get in do you get a message?)

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I’d like to be added in Beta list and love to test stuff.

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I would like to be added to the beta list. :hearts:

Opt in
I want to be added to the beta list.

I want to be added to the beta list.

Opt in
I want to be added to the beta list.


Opt in
I want to be added to the beta list.

Opt in
I want to be added to the beta list.

1 Like

Opt in
I want to be added to the beta list.

I want to be added to the beta list.

Opt in
I want to be added to the beta list.

Opt in
I want to be added to the beta list.
Username : Legoracer

Opt in
I want to be added to the beta list.

Opt in
I want to be added to the beta list.

Opt in I would like to be added to the beta list.