Enroll in the Roblox Beta Program

You guys are forgetting about to include Opt in.

I’m just trying to be helpful for that.

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Opt In

Would love to be added to be added to the beta list.

Opt in

So that I can give you feedback and report bugs before it goes live to the public.

Must be a miss read on his end. Though i don’t feel like a reply to him was necessary, feels like it just floods the category…

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Opt in

Would like to be added to the Beta list so that I can give feedback and report bugs before it gets released to the public!

Opt in

I would love to be apart of this so that I can give feedback about updates and help test them! :smiley:

Opt in

I would love to be added to the Beta list to give out my best in reporting bugs and testing before the full release !

Opt in
I want to be added to the beta program. :smiley:


I want to be added to the beta program.

I would like to opt in to the beta list.

My username is: CreepySins

Thank you!

I would like to be added to the beta list
my username : capslpop

Opt in
I want to be added to the beta program.

Opt in
I’d like to be added in. My username is Axolix and userid is 125196014
Profile can be found here.

Opt in
I would like to be added to the beta list.
Username is OsterDog and my userid is 49468107
Profile can be found here

Opt in
I want to be added to the beta program.

This would be helpful for my clan games.

Opt in
I want to be added to the beta program.

Opt in
I would like to be added to the beta program.

Opt in
I want to be added to the beta program.

Mainly curious how games would react with 51+ servers.

Opt in
I want to be added to the beta program.


Opt in
I want to be added to the beta program in order to analyse performance of servers above 50 as well as experiment with implementing it into games.