[EOL] Wolfite's Obby System - Easily make an obby

Oh, thanks, but right before your reply, I deleted all the scripts and put them back and it started working. (I also still have the dono board with the script) Thanks!

Regards, Alt_youlzr

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I have a suggestion of maybe adding a free skip stage. So basically you get a free skip every 20 minutes or so, thanks!

I’m using it for my obby, is there a way to make it so there isnt a little wait until you get teleported to your checkpoint when you respawn. Because when I die I spawn at the original spawn and then get teleported 0.5 seconds later.

That is more risky.

Go into ServerScriptService > “Checkpoints” and replace “:WaitForChild(”") with “.”
ex: :WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") > .HumanoidRootPart

easy mode not working for me, suggestion add free skip stage every 20 minute

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This fix my problem I was trying to deal with quietly…

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Hey nice obby system!

Suggestions: Spectate, ChatMakeSystemMessage if someone beat the difficulty

also i found there is a typo in youre script the script is called: “Other” lol
line: 181 and line 187 and line 194 image its supposed to be leaderstats

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I thought I fixed this. Thanks for letting me know I didn’t, plus, it’s now updated and fixed. Pfftt… don’t even know what “leadersats” is. Never happened.


Edit Thanks for the ideas btw.
Second temporary edit: I have now managed ti break the checkpoint animation, yeah.

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What is easy mode? and should it be gamepass or devProduct?

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EasyMode makes the user invincible to kill / damage bricks in the “SpecialParts” folder. It is a gamepass.

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The Reset progress button isnt working, what should I do?

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Version 0.7.0 was a full revamp of WOS. I’ve changed a lot about the system and there’s still more to come. I’m aiming to compete with the top obbies and recreate their best features right here for free.

Full changes:

• Added Menu
• System now tells you if there is an update available
• Removed option StageSelectorEffect
• Changed default value of BindedKeys to false
• Changed binded keys to 1 & 2
• Removed option Credit
• Removed option CreditDocking
• Increased Rotate checkpoint animation style speed
• Revamped Rotate checkpoint animation style
• Fixed bug with AdvanceAliveOnly displaying Color-Only
• Added Healing Coil
• Added JumpPad
• You can now control each damgebrick's damage individually
• Added signs
• Added commands !showsigns, !hidesigns & !togglesigns
• Removed Reset Progress
• Added Rebirths
• Added Delete Progress with small safety lock
• R to reset no long resets the player if they are typing
• Added NoDeath option which teleports the player instead of reseting their health
• Removed option AdvanceAliveOnly due to instability
• Added AnyCheckpoint option
• Added ability for mobile users to drag their shiftlock button to the position they want (by holding for 0.7s, then dragging)
• Added Studio warning label
• Added ability to go to specific stage
• Added spectate
• Added spectate watching count

Thanks for using WOS.

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For some reason the checkpoints dont change color or have animation when I touch them, but when I rejoin they are all green


About this, I would just like to let you know that I’ve fixed this bug in v0.8 since you’re not the only one that has said this.

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Can you give more details of what needs to be changed? because I have the same problem… thank u

You think you’d be able to use this for listing all the audios to play music?

idk, maybe if i have all soundids saved on some page?

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Is there a way to remove the Free Skip Stage and Rebirth systems through the settings of the free version?