Error code 277 crashing entire servers?

Hi. I develop for this game, and a recurring issue over the last several months has been the following.
Step 1) Server opens and stays online for 1-10 hours.
Step 2) Server reaches over ~35 players.
Step 3) Server stops sending info to client, IE: everyone is walking in place.
Step 4) All players crash with error code 277.
I thought this was ping-related, but it doesn’t seem to be, and have no idea what could be causing this issue. Has anyone else experienced a similar issue or know what could be causing this?

(This may be better off in #bug-reports, but I don’t have access to that because progressing to “Regular” is still disabled…)

If I had to guess, it’s a memory problem. I joined your game to see what I could find out, and it seems that the memory was around 1100 when I joined, and a couple of minutes later it was around 1200. Try looking through the scripts of the game and see what could be causing the memory leaks, such as not disconnected connections, or even loops that go on forever but don’t do anything. This post could help you to identify the memory leaks if needed.

Thanks. I’ll give that a readthrough and see if I can find any way to identify memory leaks.