Error: "CorePackages.Packages._Index.RoactCompat" caused by game.ReplicatedFirst:RemoveDefaultLoadingScreen()’

This is why moving the instruction to the first line solved the problem.
But, as I mentioned, this bug was introduced a few days ago, so I’ll leave this bug report open.

I can’t seem to get the error in either case:

  • No yield
  • Yield for 1 second
  • Yield for 2 seconds
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Mine simply uses game:GetService("ReplicatedFirst"):RemoveDefaultLoadingScreen() as the second line.

I had the same issue, but this was very helpful, thank you :slight_smile:

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It seems not yield now when I put it in the RF service.

I’m also getting this weird error; My loading script’s first line is this, so it shouldn’t need to wait for any instances to replicate/yield:


(This is a LocalScript inside a ScreenGui, so its parent’s parent is ReplicatedFirst.)

Despite this, that error shows up twice when my experience loads:

  18:39:00.966  CorePackages.Packages._Index.RoactCompat-9c8468d8-8a7220fd.RoactCompat.RoactTree:130: attempt to index nil with 'root'  -  Client - RoactTree:130
  18:39:00.966  Stack Begin  -  Studio
  18:39:00.966  Script 'CorePackages.Packages._Index.RoactCompat-9c8468d8-8a7220fd.RoactCompat.RoactTree', Line 130 - function unmount  -  Studio - RoactTree:130
  18:39:00.967  Script 'LoadingScript', Line 1024 - function handleRemoveDefaultLoadingGui  -  Studio
  18:39:00.967  Stack End  -  Studio
  18:39:01.460  Starting time found! This server is starting at 19:00.  -  Server - TimeSystem_Server:46
  18:39:01.478  JoyfulFlowerMary's Character wasn't located in workspace.Players. It should be moved.  -  Server - PreparePlayers:146
  18:39:01.494  A time sync update was received from JoyfulFlowerMary! They aren't done with loading yet, so their time sync can't be reported.  -  Server - TimeSystem_Server:69
  18:39:01.538  Time: Synced with server, now set to 19.  -  Client - TimeSystem_Client:130
  18:39:01.719  Requiring asset 6738245247.
cloud_4987562465.InCommand.PluginUpdates, line 36
cloud_4987562465.InCommand.PluginUpdates, line 35 - getLatestVersion
cloud_4987562465.InCommand.Main, line 22
  -  Server
  18:39:02.980  CorePackages.Packages._Index.RoactCompat-9c8468d8-8a7220fd.RoactCompat.RoactTree:130: attempt to index nil with 'root'  -  Client - RoactTree:130
  18:39:02.980  Stack Begin  -  Studio
  18:39:02.980  Script 'CorePackages.Packages._Index.RoactCompat-9c8468d8-8a7220fd.RoactCompat.RoactTree', Line 130 - function unmount  -  Studio - RoactTree:130
  18:39:02.980  Script 'LoadingScript', Line 1024 - function handleRemoveDefaultLoadingGui  -  Studio
  18:39:02.981  Script 'LoadingScript', Line 1053  -  Studio
  18:39:02.981  Stack End  -  Studio
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Once this bug is happening while there’s some yieldind, try to put your local script as parent of everything inside ReplicatedFirst.

I just moved the LocalScript to ReplicatedFirst like you said; That did get rid of the first error, but the second appears a couple seconds into the loading screen. Commenting out the “remove default loading screen” line also makes the second one not appear but that’s not the solution.
Since this at least hid the first error, it’s still helpful, though!

The bug here is that you can’t have any yielding before RemoveDefaultLoadingScreen(), so move it to the very first line of your script.
As we don’t know when Roblox will fix this, try to create all your gui objects via script, AFTER RemoveDefaultLoadingScreen(), instead of having these already existing Gui objects.

My loadingscreen logic completely stopped working an hour ago or so… is anyone else experiencing that? My loading screen no longer pops-up and I get errors all over about player values not existing, or about replicatedstorage not existing?! Some weird stuff.

Notified staff about this, hopefully we can see a fix rolled soon. I can confirm I’ve had this problem too, it’s an internal bug.

That is probably your code and not this bug, could you share your code with me in a private message?

It’s a shame that the Roblox staff doesn’t pay attention to this bug report and that you have to bring it to their attention personally…

Yes, but no. While this is a bug and should be paid attention, it’s low impact, lower than other more important bugs I see them dealing with right now which is great because they are prioritizing worse things first.
Let’s cut them some slack, this is just a little bit of red text in the console, nothing we aren’t used to seeing from time to time anyway. :slight_smile:

Edit: My source for that is here.

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Yes, you were right. Messed something up without realizing it. Forgot to update my post here.

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This is still relevant. It seems to be a race condition with roact. If you only have 1 script in ReplicatedFirst and referencing it as game.ReplicatedFirst instead of yielding for the service, you can beat it. But if you have anything else it won’t load fast enough to beat roact mounting to the default loading screen.

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Thanks for the report! Fix coming soon. We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


Update: The issue has been fixed!


I tested it by moving RemoveDefaultLoadingScreen() to a snippet after some yielding, and now the error mentioned in the OP is no longer appearing.
Thank you for your advice on resolving this bug.
PS: I wish all other Roblox professionals would also follow your example of reporting the solution in the original bug threads.

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