Error Message after Changing Model's Parent

  1. Hey, I am trying to clone the player’s character into the “Main Menu Screen background”, it doesn’t work though.

^^ I hope this image loads, this is the first time I post something here ^^

  1. I tried multiple ways already, none of them seemed to work, now I hope for some help on this one.
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()

if character then

	local Model = character:Clone()
	Model.Parent = game.Workspace.Customization
	Model.HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = true


The error says that Model is nil, that is probably because I don’t think you are able to clone characters.

Oh, really? I did not know that… Is there a different way?

You can set the Archivable property of the character to true prior to the cloning, according to this post:

I will try that! Thanks for the fast response :slight_smile:

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