Error: "Multiple StyleLinks under CoreGui may result in undefined behaviour"?

I couldn’t find anything about this on StyleLink - Roblox Documentation, so I decided to post something on the forum about this potential issue instead.

As you can see from the title of this topic, I am wondering if anybody has seen this type of warning message appear inside their game or not before; (this only seems to be showing up on the game and not inside studio.)

I believe this warning message might have first appeared when there was an internal error with one of my datastores, as when there was the internal server error there were unexpected actions such as me being added to the datastore too quickly within my datastore script. However, I am not even sure if this could be linked to any unexpected actions within datastores in general, or whether this could be a separate issue which has got nothing to do with the issue that I was originally facing, even though it says it “may result in undefined behaviour”, and it isn’t clear as to what it may effect either: (server/client).

As of now, I am currently not experiencing any problems with me being added to the datastore too quickly since the internal server error disappeared and since the new StyleLink warning message appeared. However, since this new warning appeared this might just be a new warning message that is somehow linked to the internal server error, or this may just potentially be a completely separate and different issue. The potential is, is that if this warning message is linked to the internal server error, then it could still lead to “undefined behaviour” within my game if it’s not resolved.

Either way I am still curious, as to know if anybody else knows what this warning message means or is and if they have received this type of warning before within their Roblox game. Like I said, I was added to the datastore in the game too quickly and no issues seemed to pertain when testing inside studio or the internal server error warning message appearing again, other than the StyleLink one already mentioned, so I am curious as to know if anybody else knows what it means and if anybody has received the StyleLink warning message before.

No other information is available at this time of writing.

Any kind of assistance or guidance, would be appreciated on this topical issue. Thank you!


I’m experiencing the same issue, and it indeed doesn’t seem to be directly related to DataStore. I noticed this problem started after the latest Studio update, and it’s affecting the functionality of my HandlerUI. It might be something Roblox needs to address in an update.


Is that on the client side or server?


This warning only appears on the client side.

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Hmm. Seems like the internal server error I received might have been a separate issue then; neither directly or indirectly affects the client producing the “undefined behaviour”. Maybe the StyleLink error was caused by similarly to the internal server error as well.

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This sounds really strange. Both warnings seem to be identical, but in my case, it only appears on the Client, while for you, it shows up on the Server. Did this warning start appearing for you today?

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Yes only today everything was fine yesterday. It was as if my datastore system broke overnight. :disappointed:

It actually appears for me on the client, but since I had issues with my datastore regarding an internal server error, I was wondering if the two could have been related. This was because the internal server error caused “undefined behaviour”, just like the StyleLinks warning message was showing.


This is from Roblox and will probably be removed soon


I see, but as I mentioned earlier, it’s very likely due to this update, and it should be fixed soon. On the bright side, the warning isn’t affecting you, right? :facepunch:

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The internal server error is no longer affecting me, but yes the StyleLinks warning still is.

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@Herbz_Dev2106 Hey, check your Console to see if the warning has disappeared. It’s no longer showing up on both the Client and Server, so I believe they fixed it.

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In the last hour I have gotten the same error.

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As of now, I am still encountering the same warning message unfortunately.

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I have the same error

Yea, before it was been other warn
“RunService: UnbindFromRenderStep removed different functions with same reference name”
And now other warn, i think it can’t be fixed. Problems roblox.

It even in baseplate game where not scripts. This always warning in any game.

So maybe it just bug roblox.
It warn don’t have in roblox studio, only roblox client.


Hey, I’ve had the same exact warning, I’m not sure if it actually does anything, but once it happened many things started going wrong in our game, and many glitches occur that seem to disable tons of stuff even if they are not connected in any way on the client side.

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I have investigated a little bit.

And it’s probably just a bug or an error from the Roblox developers.

I’m not sure what’s a “Style link” is, but from what I’ve searched, it’s just a new incoming way to link styles for your GUIs and the Roblox developers probably just accidentally put multiple of them.

But at the end of the day, it’s just a warning, so it won’t affect much, and hopefully will be fixed.