Error, Output Error (Solved)

to what do i change the the values to

What do you want difficulty to be a value of?



A int of the index of difficulties is that whay it is



What is the difficulty value meant to represent :confused:



Is thiw copied code so you dont know what your doing? Because you cant set the backroundcolor3 of a value…

It is, because I still don’t know a lot about scripting, it was working but then all of the sudden it didn’t

You are trying to change the BackgroundColor3 property of a IntValue. IntValues do not have that property. The ItemButton however does. I’m not sure if this is what you’re trying to change the color of, but this would not error if you replace the line above with the example below

itemButton.BackgroundColor3 = difficultyColours[difficulty]

Thats not the issue btw so you should probally delete it

Can you explain to me the problem?

That doesn’t work it breaks it kinda


She is trying to set the backroundcolor3 of a int value, and that only exists on gui objects

in the script, i was changing the color of the ItemButton itself and not the int value

Oh i am sorry i miss read it


So basically the problem is, this is like a fine the… game. But it should say those 3 guns there and their difficulty, but then this happens

so i delete the comment all because of you :sob:

Doesnt natter there is already a good explaination by the other guy…

Can’t u return it
