Error/Warning Glossary

Errors and warnings are helpful for developers who are familiar with an API and how it works, but not for anyone who’s not particularly experienced with it. Developers who are trying out an API for the first time, are new to the platform/programming entirely, or just haven’t explored enough of a feature to know its quirks don’t really benefit enough from error/warning messages.

For example, this warning was obvious to me because I have used DataStores extensively in the past, but others could not identify the problem. We should have an error/warning glossary on the dev hub that explains what each means. For example, instead of:

DataStore request was added to the queue. If request queue fills, further requests will be dropped. Try sending fewer requests.

the error glossary entry could look something like:

The problem with the current documentation is that when a developer encounters an error, we’re pretty much asking them to read a whole article (or more) on the subject, and hope they have enough of an understanding of how the feature works to determine what the error message means. It would help out developers a lot if we explicitly described why each error happened, common causes, and solutions to those causes. We don’t have to ship the whole list at once – it can be gradually built over time.


This would be awesome to have as a resource that I can point devs to who need help debugging their code instead of having to rely on someone else to translate what their errors mean in practical application. I know it can take a while for scripting to click with some people but I’ve noticed that even basic errors can confuse new scripters and I think something like this could be immensely useful to them. Even for me, when dealing with areas I haven’t dealt with before it would be nice to know what some of the errors I may get mean.

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