Error while processing packet - is this a studio bug, or am I doing something wrong?

Recently I’ve started a new project involving voxel based terrain generation. Having little experience with procedural terrain in general, I’ve been very focused on optimising for performance. It was running fine throughout the past week, but recently I’ve been receiving this error before my game crashes:

Error while processing packet: bad_weak_ptr (packet id: 131, packet length: 57, progress: 57, schema: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e)

It seems to only happen in studio, but I am unsure as to what causes it. If anyone can tell me what this means and how to prevent it, it would be greatly appreciated.

Yeah, that’s a Roblox bug.
This bug report seems to be about the issue, or at least one very similar.

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