Error while using loadlibrary RbxUtility

Hi I have a problem I don’t know how to fix its kind of complicated so here is the errors
Sorry guys but I never used loadlibrary before neither I know how it works and I don’t even know how I can use RbxUility.EncodeJSON

This is a bit new for me sinec the saving system I use is a bit basic not with this advanced way, however this script is a shortcut for all gamepasses and player data so it makes my life easier if I fix it, There is not much I can tell about those errors cause I don’t know anything, if you guys help me in telling me more about loadlibrary or even how to fix this I would appreciate it here is the script cause its long

So my problems are on line 193 and line 261 and 263

Note: I am not using the loadlibrary itself I am using the module script that roblox used

As far as I know RbxUtility’s EncodeJSON is deprecated in favor of HTTPService’s JSONEncode and JSONDecode functions

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And what is the alternate for it? Using HTTPService?

I guess? since a function doesn’t get deprecated out of nowhere with no alternatives

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What’s up fellow Frontline developer!

HTTPService has functions for encoding and decoding JSON strings.

RbxUtility is deprecated but the modules are open sourced.

And here:


So I can use HTTPService EncodeJSON instead of RbxUtility?

If all you want to do is convert a table into a JSON string, then HTTPService.JSONEncode does exactly that.

New error

The new script

It’s JSONEncode, not EncodeJSON. Confusing switch-up.