Error with Save and publish game [ Bug Roblox studio ]


This morning I tried with my team to update my game on roblox studio but we keep popping up a message:

Server Save Failure: PublishService AssetUpload failed. Info: A newer version was created from a different request while attempting to process your request. Aborting this request. ErrorCode: Internal

Is this fault on our side or on roblox’s side? and if it’s ours how can we fix it?

Currently, we tried all of us to leave the studio and for only one person to enter but that did not do anything.


I’m having this problem as well. Downloading a copy and overwriting the original experience doesn’t work either.


So I already know one thing that this is not just a problem with me but on roblox studio

i got the same problem here cant save or publish


Do you use team create or do you save the game yourself?

Team Create i was building with someone and we try to both save it while the other leave which also resulted in us loosing some stuff that we made but nothing was working.

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So I guessed that the problem is on the team create side.

Roblox official fix the bug

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May have lost roughly 5 hours work to this :sob:
Was working on a cabin crew service trolley, finished it and did all the testing and sent updates about it. My friend imported a car and set it up ready for a drivekit. I log off for the night, see it’s not publishing but just think ah I’ll reopen studio maybe that will fix it then my horror as the version is from 5 hours ago and none of us have any autosaves.

Wish me luck as I spend my morning redoing everything.