Yes, I tested on everything and it’s still saying that error.
Sometimes you get lucky, because there are 3 different server headers that can be used for an HttpRequest. You could get lucky with one that isn’t blocked, or you could get one that’s blocked. It’s kinda roulette sometimes.
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Okay, thanks for helping!
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I’ve just tested in studio and in game and the webhook works fine. I believe improper formatting is causing your problem.
I’ve ran this code and it works fine.
local HttpServ = game:GetService('HttpService')
local url = "" -- change this
function TestWebhook()
local data =
["avatar_url"] = "",
["content"] = "",
["embeds"] = {{
["title"] = "TEST BOT",
["description"] = "TEST",
["type"] = "rich",
["color"] = tonumber(16711680),
["fields"] = {
["name"] = "Username",
["value"] = "Player1",
["inline"] = true
["name"] = "TEST FIELD 1",
["value"] = 0,
["inline"] = true
["name"] = "TEST FIELD 2",
["value"] = "test",
["inline"] = false
["name"] = "TEST FIELD 3",
["value"] = "test",
["inline"] = false
local newdata = HttpServ:JSONEncode(data)
HttpServ:PostAsync(url, newdata)
The problem was that you forgot the name key.
The code you used
['fields'] = {
['value']="Report: "..V,
Should have been
['fields'] = {
["name"] = "Report:",
['value']= V,
['inline']= true
Worked, thank you so much!
OP most likely deleted it and made a new one for security reasons.
Okay, I get it why he deleted it, someone might have runned a code that will spam his disco.