Essential | Modern Administration Yet Finest (Coming soon end of March or sometime in April)

Here’s a demonstration of ListWindow UI that I created months ago:

And TerminalX, which is in development right now:

I’m almost done remodeling the Confirmation UI. The new version, ConfirmationV2, adds new features than the old one:

  • Utilizes Promise
  • Organized the code
  • New confirmations stay in the back (Stack cards support)
  • Submission message after user clicked one of the choices
  • A close button

Issues Addressed from the old version:

  • Lack of support for multiple confirmations
  • Transparent UI
  • Poor event handling
  • No close button
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Here’s the rest of the finished development of the new Confirmation UI:

Here’s a demonstration of how the new Confirmation UI is put to use:

  • P.S. I added a sound effect to the UI & and custom submission page for each button

I apologize again for not fulfiling the promise of creating a public demonstration game of Essential. I, myself, keep falling into a trap of boredom and lack of motivation due to the lack of popularity I’ve tried to increase for Essential with the help of Rocket Cart game, which unfortunately died in popularity.

I am the only developer of Essential, which is why I’m the only one talking about what potentials Essential has. I have also not gotten to fulfill the feature requests that some have requested in Essential completely.

I sincerely hope that once I finish making the public demo game, you will find it enjoyable and appreciate the effort I have put into creating it. If not, that’s okay, you can always try finding some inspiration with my work.

About the Open Source, it will be toward this coming November for the release.

Thank you to everyone including @crywink @LeoBeomkl @lev1or and @Camer_939 for the support! Here is a preview of what can be demoed in the game:


Update 10-5-2024

Before I release the demonstration game for everyone, I am going to remodel the notification system. I want to make sure that most of what we will test in game don’t rely on old UIs way back in 2021. (some old commands rely on old UIs, which I haven’t improved)

Old notification:

New notification:

More info about this feature is in this trello card.

Is this going to be a forked version of Adonis? Also, great UI, I love it.

It is not going to be a forked version of Adonis, although it was 2-3 years ago when I last forked Adonis and made some pull requests in Adonis as a github contributor.

I took some ideas from Adonis such as Window UI and its drag/resize feature and Target selectors then innovated them. I can understand why you asked a question about Adonis. In fact, Adonis is the first admin system I looked into for inspiration of Essential.

I forgot to showcase the support of command arguments accepting more than one word instead of only one. For example, in a scenario where (X) represents the index of the arguments and excluding the spaces in the output:

  • Input: Hello there!

  • Output: Hello (1) there! (2)

  • Input: `I am "your friend"1

  • Output: I (1) am (2) "your friend" (3) (In Parser, including quotation marks is not enabled by default, though in this example, it is for demonstration)

  • Input: Would you rather "go out with your friends" or "eat dinner with family"?

  • Output: Would (1) you (2) rather (3) go with your friends (4) or (5) eat dinner with family? (6)

Fyi, any character next to the end of the next argument without a delimiter in between them is included in that argument

An escape character also works if you need to include the quotation mark without creating a multi-space argument.

  • Input: I enjoyed riding \"Europa-Park\" (4) roller (5) coaster (6)
  • Output: I enjoyed riding "Europa-Park" roller coaster

I’m almost done with the new Notification System, then I can finish the development of the demo game. :smiley: Thank you for your patience, everyone!

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Mobile support notifications:


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Plus another video about the new Notification system with opening sound effect included (credits to FoolBoyMedia)

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I’m finally done with the new notification system. (Ignore the bug in the video. I will fix that asap)

Update 24/10/2024

Sorry for the week without no update! A lot of crazy things happened like my birthday and of course school that gone my way of not being able to post.

Over last weekend and this week, I’ve began working on remodeling the ban system in Essential, which essentially focuses on the idea of making bans seem like a court case. If you’re familiar with this one discord moderation bot called Dyno, you’re aware that it creates a unique id for each ban, warning, or other moderator action, which is possible for looking up actions by the moderator.

However, in Essential, the unique id is for a group of players (maximum is 10 due to BanAsync limitations), not for an individual. The new ban system also adds another functionality called notes, which you will later see in the video below, where you or the system in code can customize the message. Of course, there is a maximum of 15 notes saved in the ban case.

I’ve added a new option property to ListWindow UI, which is similar to Adonis List UI, called selectable. Later in November, when I hopefully finish making the documentation (at least to the bare minimum, though I will let the other maintainers help me finish it with me as well), In code, this is what it looks like:

   type = "Detailed";
   selectable = true;
   label = "The label for detailed options are not selectable, unfortunately. How will the description beneath be shown without a click event and not selecting the text? Impossible";
   description = "This text is selectable with your cursor and shows after you click the label";

   type = "Label";
   selectable = true;
   label = "This text is selectable. How sweet!";

After all, you can watch the video:

Other Important Keypoints:

Demonstration Game

24/10/2024 It’s my fault that I’ve been delaying this game because I have been very focused on adding new things and improving stuff to Essential (more updated stuff are in the Changelog and rather creating a game for you guys to get a touch of what Essential feels like at hand. I will try my best as possible to push this game out hopefully by the end of this weekend or mid of next week. Honestly, I’m terrible at deadlines. Sorry!! :confused:

Release of the admin system

24/10/2024 At the moment, I’m working towards to make the Git repository for Essential and my fellow maintainers first. Later around Thanksgiving week or beginning of this December, is hopefully when I will make it open source on Github.

God, I forgot to mention about your feature request. I have started on this too and I need to add one more thing, which is allowing the user to untrack through a list of tracked users. Later I can make another showcase video about this. It’s going great! I’ve made sure that the player maintains a consistent tracking for the target, even if they rejoined.

More status update for this feature is in this Trello card.


Sorry for the lack of updates! Thank you for your patience, everyone! I’ve been dealing with school, college apps, and upcoming tests with 2nd grading report ending lately. While that was happening, I have been keeping up to date to changes and reports on the Trello board. If you take a second to glance the roadmap, you should see some new changes that are in effect such as the tracking system by @lev1or (in change log 0.8.1, im working on the change log at this moment). Not to mention, the change log. Though the change log will become understandable once I release the source code of Essential.

The demo game

I have gotten started with the demo game since last week. But a major issue came up to my attention about the use of offline datastore. If you didn’t know, Essential is very reliant on online datastore for saving player data and recording activity logs so I need to make sure that Essential can work with offline datastore. Don’t worry, I am up on my schedule to share the public demo game for everyone. Hopefully, this week I can share it publicly after the major issue is resolved.

Git Repository

I have also began creating the Git repository a month ago. I’m in the process of trying to learn how to use Rojo and other Ro integrations for the Git.

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bro its Q4 when release broooo

Around the end of November or beginning of December this year. I’ll update the title again to avoid the confusion. I forgot that it’s already the mid of Q4. my apologies!

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it looks great and seems to have a lot of promising features, if you can deliver then you have defo outdone yourself

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