Essential | Modern Administration Yet Finest (Coming soon on March 1-2)


Essential Admin

Modern Administration Yet Finest


Essential is a private administration system that allows administrators and super administrators to have easy and complex control over the game. Currently Essential features about 30+ commands and several components from basic utilities to highly sensitive stuff for developers.

My Inspiration

Before I created Essential, my first words were “What admin system is there that has roles with specific permissions you can assign and commands with proper cooldown?” Around April of 2021, I began gathering ideas from SimpleAdmin, a simple admin suite created by @crywink, and Adonis, a complex admin but yet feature-packed made by @Davey_Bones and his Adonis contributors, including me, on what makes an admin system good. One idea from SimpleAdmin was creating roles with permissions. Another idea, which came from a different admin system, Commander, created by @7kayoh was the simplicity of user interface. Third idea from Adonis was the ban people itself was the ability to game ban people (unfortunately was not quite good at the time of 2021). Of course, there are more ideas I might’ve taken elsewhere but these ideas are the main points of how Essential was created. Then, I asked myself, “If I could combine simple and complex, what admin system would that be?” At that point, after a month of doing research and gathering ideas from different admin systems, I created Essential.


  • End-to-end remote encryption
  • Datastore data compression + encryption
    • Encryption is available only with some methods
  • Role Management
  • Player Utility
    • Ping, rejoin (via command or on the top right corner of their screen), & mute on AFK
    • In respect of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), players are allowed to clear their player data, even activity logs
    • Notepad
    • Client settings (still in WIP)
  • Multi-functional alias system
    • Group (aka Action) aliases
    • Custom command aliases
  • Keybinds
    • Multiple-set triggers. For instance, Alt + R = :rejoin
    • Hold duration: An amount of seconds to hold the keybind before triggering (Good use to prevent accidental presses)
  • Shortcuts
    • Buttons to trigger commands or action aliases on the top right corner of your screen
  • Console bar (for both mobile and PC so that mobile doesn’t get left out)
  • Command box (also known as CommandX)
  • Rate-limit system (almost everywhere in the client-to-server and server-to-client networks)
  • Music system
  • Datastore system
    • Processed through queues
    • Table insertions/deletions
    • Value manipulation
  • Administration
    • Activity logging (times when player left and joined). This is all logged in one category of logs: Activity.
    • Ban system
      • Save in datastore or server
      • Multiple time customization from seconds to years (e.g. 1y30d - 1 year & 30 days)
    • Admin Dashboard (coming soon and in the WIP)
    • Mute & Deafen system: Mute their chat and/or hide their chat
    • Warning system
  • Command processing
    • Different argument types
      • Time
      • Date
      • True/False
      • Players
        + more…
    • Player, server, and cross-player cooldown (90% accurate)
    • Debounces (90% accurate)
    • Whitelists & Blacklists
    • Specific roles and/or permissions
  • Roles
    • Priority level
    • Permissions
    • List of members (dynamic or manual)
      • Group members
      • Badges
      • Gamepasses
      • Assets
      • Subscriptions
      • Roblox Premium
    • Ability to save in the player’s player data (if Role.Saveable property allows
    • Hide from lists and/or hide from lower ranks
  • Reserved servers
    • Players are able to rejoin (regardless of their admin level)
    • Management (coming soon and still in WIP)
      • Invites only
      • Ability to make the server open to everyone
      • Max players
      • Whitelists and/or blacklists
      • Shutdown
  • Message system
    • Contexts (small, flexible messages)
    • Detailed Context (coming soon) Merged into Contexts UI
    • Bubbles (small and in the middle messages)
    • Regular Messages (center of the screen)
    • Hints (deprecated; medium-size messages on the top middle of the screen)
  • Private Message & Direct message systems
    • Server and/or outside of the server
    • Direct Message system allows moderators/administrators to leave messages to people even if they’re offline. Once they’re online and join the game, they will receive direct messages from others.
  • Networking system (client-to-server and server-to-client)
    • Optional end-to-end remote encryption
    • Random name obfuscation (but still identifiable with the Public Id attribute)
    • Specific whitelists
    • Remote commands
    • Optional Firewall
      • Block/ban player who attempt to send malicious/unknown commands to the network
  • Main Networking System
    • Distributable with 40 networks
    • Each player is assigned to 1 in 40 of the main networks
  • Slash Comamnds
  • _G System

+ more features…


Action Aliases


CC Aliases/Names




Commands List

Side note: This preview was shown during the working development of the new List UI in Essential. Sorry about the text wrapping issue. Also a couple commands like :aeprotectlogs are from plugins I made in Essential.

RobloxPlayerBeta_0lMsKRTblz.mp4 - Google Drive

Banning a player

RobloxPlayerBeta_gSAM1AD9mZ.mp4 - Google Drive

Reference links

Target Selectors | Changelog | Ban System



Currently Essential Admin is almost finished for public release. Thanks to everyone who supported this project! I am almost done with it, and I’m going to make sure that TextChat is supported for Essential.

Update 27/01/2025

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me.


Looks cool! Great job – love to see that you took inspiration from SimpleAdmin. I’d suggest making it open source so people can contribute features and bug fixes.


Oh, yes. I have not been experienced with Rojo and other Roblox linting tools for your idea just yet. Eventually upon the day I make the code open source, I will be in touch with your idea.

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I like the system and design. It looks very clean overall. Do you have more examples of the UI? And possibly the functionalities of menus?

Overall, nice job it looks very good.


As of the current moment, I am still needing to finish some UI works:

  • (40%) ListWindow UI
  • (0%) Administrator Panel

ListWindow UI is almost done and needs a few more functionalities and available entry types than just the basic log display functionalities (plain text, plain text + description):

  • Action Option with label (this means Button with label)
  • Input Box with label
    • Undo/Redo text functionality (natively supported by the UI modifier API)
    • Auto Body Size
  • Dropdown Option with multiple options to choose

Administrator Panel is almost finished with the UI design and needs a start for script development. The options in the panel, which are the Core Widgets, currently features:

  • Game Settings
  • Administrator Controls (features TBD)
  • Ban Land (similar to HD Admin’s Ban Land UI)
  • More Options (allows developers to create their own widgets and insert them in the administrator panel)

Right now I don’t have a lot of examples to showcase because a lot of features are in development such as the ListWindow UI. But these UIs will hopefully be finished by the upcoming summer. Once these UIs are ready, I could start adding more necessities to the administrative system such as:

  • Ban Land
  • Reporting system
  • Cross Server Voting
  • Cross Server Messaging
  • Donor Perks (yay, Essential will soon start to accept donations)

+ more…

Here are a couple examples:

Hints V2 (aka Context)




Command box (aka CmdX)


Private Messaging


I have a few more examples I could show you but they are not up to date with the theme colors and originally created during the first year of Essential when the theme colors were black and dark grey.

Wow! That is a very clean and comprehensive UI.
The functionality looks very large as well.
I can’t wait to see its release.

While working on Changelog v0.6.7, I created client policies to disallow/allow specific features from players. Here’s a demonstration:

New command bar (will be soon renamed as Terminal)

Old version:

Woweee! This Admin system looks great and ill be waiting for its release, and please give us more updates!

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I’d also recommend adding a command with is like :track witch makes the targeted player be able to seen to the moderator thru walls, have arrows pointing the moderator to the targeted player, but also a username at the top with the targeted players username smth like this!

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Thanks! Sorry I haven’t been giving updates quite often because of school AND the ongoing crash issue using Roblox studio on my PC for the past 3 weeks. If that issue persists this week, I’ll just use my laptop instead.

I am hoping to create a demo game for Essential around this weekend or next weekend so that everyone could see how Essential Admin plays out.

From the recent post I made about the new command terminal, I haven’t been able to work on it (bc of studio issue) but hopefully I can start on it by accomodating my free time after finishing school work.


Wow. I finally solved the crash issue now by disabling Fullscreen optimizations. I can work on Essential now! :smiley:

EDIT: A few hours later, I encountered the crash again. I’ll use my laptop to code for now.

Great! And it might be that the rendering range on studio settings is like 20 which causes so much lag if your pc aint good, It’s just the same as Roblox in-game graphics I keep mine on Level 02 cause I usually script and don’t need to see the world in 4K views, but when I build I keep it between Level 02 | Lelve 03 and I keep it that low because I use a 6-8-year-old laptop!

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I tried to do that but it didn’t help. However, I managed to restore the graphics default settings and Roblox studio went back to normal. (Hopefully it stays this way again)

After a while now, I got back to working on Essential for about 4 hours and here’s what I progressed so far with the new TerminalX UI.

Primary focus of the showcase video:

  • Action aliases and custom command aliases are searchable in the command bar
  • A minor error message if you’re inputting a non-existent command
  • Quoted arguments "argument" are supported
  • Changing commands by pressing the terminal icon

Do you have the link to the product/product file?

There’s no file link to Essential yet while it’s under private development. I plan on releasing this to the public around Q4 2024 or Q1 2025. Essential still lacks several features like the fly command, which is necessary for an admin system. :sweat_smile:

However, sometime this week or next week, I hope to make a live demonstration game for Essential so that you and everyone else can test out the currently available features.

I’ve made a public Roadmap for Essential via Trello. :smiley:

@lev1or I added your suggestion of a highlight command in feature requests. Dw I will credit you after I make the command.

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Sorry for not keeping up with the updates on this forum! I just started coding this month. And I am still developing and adding new features followed by the trello board.

As for the Essential demo game, I know I have said this many times about opening it to everyone. I will try to release it once TerminalX is in its beta stage.

I’m slowly working on features in Essential one at a time. I apologize again! I’ve been working on the internal features of TerminalX. Sometime, hopefully by next week, I could share the demo game to you guys.

In development