Exe (Product: exe) | Most Stunning Admin Panel Yet

Is there customizations to make the UI a little more visible instead of being so transparent?


unfortunately rn u can just set the transparency manually

Oh, alright. Is that under customization?

No I mean manually change the UI.

Version 2.0 is here! Update your model!

I added tutorial how to add effects, tools, and CUSTOM COMMANDS!!!
You can view the Utility Post right below me! :grin:


I see you use ā€œ:house: Homeā€ for the player list. Wouldnā€™t ā€œ:busts_in_silhouette: Playersā€ fit better?

That way, admins know whatā€™s inside of the tab, Home wouldnā€™t be intuitive.


Are there plans to make this rank locked?

Rank Locked? What do you mean by that?

I think they mean that only a certain rank your group can open/see the admin panel

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Really high quality and very good looking. Just a quick question when you mean performance heavy Iā€™m assuming your mean for the client and not the server/other clients correct? But apart for that this one is one of the best ones Iā€™ve seen that isnt one of those terribly made or copy pasted panels that have constant roundness and basic tweening or some other form of bland and borning features to it.

I forgot to ask if there will be plugin support so we can add our own features to this.
Also would it be okay with you if I take the gui and use it for my own little project Im making? I will be more than happy to give credits where it is due.

If there isnt I highly suggest you do as this will give a massive eco system to the admin panel and make it gain more attraction maybe even reach more games and creators as most of the time developers want to add their own functionality to a panel without having to do too much.


You can make it rank locked yourself by simply adding some GetRankInGroup functions

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This has to be the best one Iā€™ve ever seen so far. Very unique and well made design, itā€™s not cluttered with unnecessary modules unlike other panels and animations are on point.

I definitely see myself using this in future games, you did amazing!! :heart:

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It is performance heavy to the client who has their panel displayed. With constant animations of UIs and BlurEffects, Numerous amount of CanvasGroups, and the whole UI Design contributes to the heaviness of this panel.

Sure no problem! But the credits are required since this UI Design have been commissioned.

We have a custom commands and itā€™s really easy to set up! Thereā€™s already premade so you can go ahead and look up every nooks and cranny on how things going to work. Hereā€™s a full tutorial post on how to add your custom commands.


Here are two suggestionā€™s you could do to help reduce impact on performance:

Use images for blur as I am pretty sure that can work and should help
Reduce the amount of blur effects youā€™re utilizing

Apart for that I personally hadnā€™t noticed much apart for the smallest chops in my framerate when doing stuff but thatā€™s about it although I was In my development place so that may be why.


Iā€™m curious, is there not a github rep for this? :thinking:

This is truly amazing! I love how simple yet beautiful the UI is. Iā€™m even thinking of inspiring from this and make an admin panel myselfā€¦

Animations are smooth, interface is clean, and the panel packed with what an Admin would need. Purely amazing.

The only issue I have with this is that itā€™s free. I would pay bucks for this. That aside, Iā€™ve seen lots of comments about performance. As long as this runs on a Samsung Smart Fridge itā€™s fine.

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Been a while since I saw your project, and boy has it come along! Looking forward to testing it and giving feedback :slight_smile:


It looks so fluent design. i think my ui design is terrible now.


Is there any way I can make it so that everybody in a certain group can have access to the admin panel?

Ok, now this is amazing! Definitely going to be using this for my game.

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