Exe (Product: exe) | Most Stunning Admin Panel Yet

I love how easy it is to use and nagivate… However some issues:

When using the Jail command you should probably make it disable the players resetting. The Player which has been jailed can reset and be free. Also they can do the /e dance2 glitch to escape too.

Just some Helping Criticism. In no way am I stating this is poorly made. Infact its the best admin panel since Kohl’s and HD Admin!!

Super Well Done!


This is hands down the best admin panel I’ve ever used. It is so simple to use, and incredibly well designed. UI is phenomenal as well. Will definitely be using this for my games.

Also, is there a way to change how server announcements are displayed? I feel like the blur and whole message covering your screen is pretty intrusive, and can disrupt gameplay. An option to just make it a simple text popup would be very nice. (unless this is already a thing and I missed it)

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No offence this system is great but I feel like its one of those times where they focus to much on the looks of the system then the core functions. Me personally would rather have a admin system be functional with bar beauty points


We’re always trying to focus on both things that we actually utilize some of the best resources out there to make Product: exe come to life.

You can always visit those resources in the Credits tab.

I just found this and I instantly loved it, the UI design being based on iOS’s design (I assume that’s what the inspiration was from) It’s incredible, I am super impressed of how smooth and clean the UI looks like, I am definitely using this on my games. Great job!

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Huge Apple vibes, this is wonderful!


Hey, I think this panel is absolutely the greatest, but it seems that I am getting repetitive errors in my output. Not sure if I forgot to set up something, but here is the error:

coming from this part of the script:

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you should be able to put a TextButton (no text with 1 background transparency) behind the dialog/modal frame and enable the “Modal” property and this should solve your problem… lmk read that u fixed it :skull:


idk if its just me but the ui is really stretched and most icons and buttons aren’t loading or aren’t visible, anyone know why? I cant access custom commands, none of them load!

Pretty good module, though I see you using the BulkFade, which has been implemented into Roblox a while ago. CanvasGroup instances are what you’re looking for

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Looks very similar to the iOS operation system, overall very nice! Keep up the good work!

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That’s really cool for V4 look is form Apple cool

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Small users experience this issue and the problem is something to do with your plugins. The issue is something is automatically converts everything to Scale but, Product: exe mostly uses the Offset method. Try to integrate Product: exe with your plugins disabled.

CanvasGroups are great but not all the time, you can see in the hierarchy of Product: exe that I used only 3 CanvasGroups the reason is they’re not efficient. Not only do they not support toggling ClipDescendants, but they can be a bit blurry if the screen size is too big or the user is on the lower graphics.

BulkFade is a life-saver, it helped to tween transparency just for the animations.

alright thanks, ill try and disable my scaling plugins!

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Dear god, that’s amazing gui work. How can you make that as an pro at making gui’s myself I’m bamboozled!

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Great panel as always!

Just a small issue, any way to get rid of these errors for those who don’t have access to the panel?


Group permissions outright do not work, I have select my role to have ALL permissions yet nearly every feature states that I am forbidden to do that, yet this does not happen with regular user id permissions.


Also I think that it is pretty much essential that timebans need to be removable otherwise this is useless for all games who use timebans, other than these the script is good but the group roles most definitely need to be fixed otherwise its useless.


iOS design UI, impressive and beautiful!

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