Experience got removed from the search

Reproduction Steps
Similar to this report, I can’t find my experience “Garden Tycoon” in the search when i search the exact name. The game isn’t new and already has 1.6M Visits, it was visible for years and now got removed without a reason.

Expected Behavior
My game should be findable and be listed in the search results. It should be the first experience when you search “Garden Tycoon” like it was for years.

Actual Behavior
My game got completely removed from search you can’t find it anywhere. I was also unable to sponsor it for 1-2 days, (“Your experience isn’t eligible”) My game instantly dropped in players, so its not an issue on my end.

I changed the title of my game from “Garden Tycoon [PETS]” to “Garden Tycoon [x2]” before this issue occurred.
Link to the game: Garden Tycoon [PETS] - Roblox

Issue Area: Roblox Website
Issue Type: Other
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2022-02-21


UPDATE: This issue has been fixed and I am now on search results!

I have this issue too. (thanks for linking my older post)

Reproduction steps
Copy paste title into search bar for experiences
Search “Obby” in experiences

Expected Behavior
My game should be findable and be listed in the search results. It should be the first experience when you search “Escape Easy ADMIN Obby” and show up when searching “Obby” due to its high player count.

Actual Behavior
My game got completely removed from search.

I changed the title and description of my game and still was having issues showing in searches.
Link to the game: Escape Easy ADMIN Obby - Roblox
It is also on the discover tab under “Adventure” and “Obby”

Issue Area: Roblox Website
Issue Type: Other
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2022-02-23


Same with me since yesterday.

Reproduction steps
Copy paste title into search bar for experiences
Search “Tower Defense” or “SCP Tower Defense” in experiences

Expected Behavior
My game has been consistently spot 5-7 in Tower Defense searches, and spot 1 in SCP Tower Defense search (name of the game). This is not the case since weekend (I made an update on Friday)

Actual Behavior
My game got completely removed from search.

I changed the title and still having issues showing in searches.
Link to the game: SCP Tower Defense

Issue Area: Roblox Website
Issue Type: Other
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2022-03-28

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This is also occurring for our game 99% Fail with over 80 million visits and typically 1000+ CCU.


Previously our game would appear as the top result when using the key terms ‘99’, ‘99 fail’, ‘99% fail sabotage’. It has recently completely disappeared and instead been replaced with knock-offs:

This is hugely damaging for our discovery as many players come from platform such as TikTok.

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I wrote to roblox support, took 3 days to get solve the first time, happened 2 weeks later, took 1 week of constant e-mailing to solve. It seems they are tinkering with search algorithms and things break occasionally. Good luck.

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For me they only said “Engineers are working on it” for months and didn’t do anything.

I’ve seen your DM and I’m writing here as a reference for all, I opened the ticket under Bug Reports. I gave every detail about the incident and the game, with a link to the game. If its going on for months, you should respond occasionally to the ticket to remind them. Maybe opening a new ticket may also help, because clearly they haven’t fixed it in months. What has your playerbase said about this issue? Haven’t they opened tickets about not being able to find a game they enjoy in the search? Maybe the enthusiastic ones could send tickets about their own POV of the incident as well. No spamming the support of course but maybe you can take some extra steps if you had no luck with them. Sometimes they solve issues instantly, sometimes its very hard.

Just FYI, developer-facing issues should be reported here, on devforum.roblox.com, not via customer support unless they’re really one-off issues (like appealing mod action, or requesting a refund).

Customer support will be polite and forward your request but it has to go through many more hoops that way. Via devforum, your post is directly visible to the engineers working on the feature, and others can chime in too.

Engineers apparently don’t care. You can’t tell me that it takes months to look into a small issue or bring a game back on the search.

I reminded them like 4 times and they just sent me the same answer again and again “We’ve already told our engineers, they are looking into this”, something like that.


Could you maybe write them again and tell them about this bug report here? It’s open for a long time now and no engineer/staff member replied.

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“don’t care” comes across as if you mean to say they purposely ignore issues. That’s not really a constructive way to think about how they process bug reports.

Engineering companies need to prioritize because there is always more work than people. If they always kept chasing down issues as they were reported without priority, nothing important would get done and you’d be complaining about another critical bug / missing feature.

If you think this is not getting the priority it deserves, make yourself known by explaining how it impacts you as a developer. They prioritize things by impact on devs.

Customer support doesn’t have more power (actually, less, because it needs to be moved up the chain further) compared to bumping this bug report explaining how it impacts you.


I agree that your game not appearing in game discovery is a huge issue, but I agree with all of @buildthomas points.

I agree since you’re less likely to get any help from the engineers if you out-right in public say they “don’t care”.

Yep. Perfect explanation.

For example, the engineers knew that the Great Roblox Halloween Outage of 2021 was the main priority at the time that it was happening, so within a little less than 3 days, they got it done.

The more you make yourself known out there with your points on how this impacts you as a developer, the more likely the bug is meant to get fixed. :+1:

Yea, I completely agree with you. I don’t know if they ignore it (don’t think so) but how can it get fixed for @Mashiusam and not for me? I submitted the bug report, wrote them mails, contacted dev relations (never got an answer), dmed devrelations on the devforum and nobody helped me. Only 1 staff member from devrelations answered me “It might be related to tag spam, wait 2 weeks”. I did what he /she said, it didn’t work. He/she never answered me again.

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I can confirm that pressing “Migrate to Update” can cause this problem to occur. I’ve had it for the third time now. Be very careful with that button.


You shouldn’t be playing with titles. Try and change it back to what it was before thats how i fix that problem for all my games.


No, this is the wrong advice. The Developer Forum is the place to report issues.


Hey all!

We came to the conclusion that this is not a bug.
A Roblox Staff is in contact with the developer about the report, and will be resolved as soon as possible!
If you come across any other issues, please submit another report with as many details as possible, and we will gladly offer to help!



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