Hello so i’ve been trying to figure out exactly how I would go around making this as im trying to make a game with a spectate feature that allows you talk to other people spectating, main issue is that I am not certain on how I’ll be doing this, I’m not too familiar with the chat API, tutorials would be helpful!!!
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Easiest way is to restrict the spectators to team chat!
Luckily @Flowtonio has made a great explanation!
Hope this helps!
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alright thank you i’ll read on this
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I figured it out how to do this with the new TextChatService:
local AllPlayers = game.Players
local TextChatService = game:GetService("TextChatService")
local RBXGeneral = TextChatService:WaitForChild("TextChannels"):WaitForChild("RBXGeneral")
local Spectators = game.Teams.Spectators
-- Is Spectator From UserId
local function IsSpectatorFromUserId(UserId)
local TargetPlayer = AllPlayers:GetPlayerByUserId(UserId)
if TargetPlayer and TargetPlayer.Team == Spectators then
return true
return false
-- Set Chat Deliver Callback by Adding our Own Filter to it!
local function SetDeliverCallback(TextChatMessage: TextChatMessage, TargetTextSource: TextSource)
local SourceIsSpectator = IsSpectatorFromUserId(TextChatMessage.TextSource.UserId)
local TargetIsSpectator = IsSpectatorFromUserId(TargetTextSource.UserId)
-- If the Target Player is Spectator or Both Players are still Alive/Dead then
return TargetIsSpectator or (SourceIsSpectator == TargetIsSpectator)
RBXGeneral.ShouldDeliverCallback = SetDeliverCallback