Exploit able to shutdown server immediately upon connecting, without a character

It had been stopping in the servers I was modding in (Would be getting crashed every 20 minutes or so yesterday) - But literally the same thing has been happening all of a sudden.

Game Link: Flex Your Account Age

EDIT: Unable to tell if the issue is tied to this, but it seems to be.


Not sure if this is related, but now I’m unable to join Team Test sessions (it’s always stuck on Requesting access) and starting a new server on my development place takes a long long time.

(this being the fourth attempt)

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Yeah it’s started happening again on a group I develop for. I’m assuming it’s the same exploit, because a user joined the game, then left immediately (so probably banned from the game) and then the server crashed.

EDIT: I just asked a friend of a friend to try it in my server, and the server crashed. The server was a new server which I’d just joined

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The servers in flex were getting crashed every time they were created pretty much. I loaded into a fresh one and tabbed out briefly, and it was crashed when I got back to it.

The fix was turned off temporarily and is now back on.


This issue is apparently fixed, so if you find another exploit / the same exploit with different reproduction steps, please send a message to the @Exploit_Reports group with all of those details (please hold off on sending them a message until you have somewhat clear reproduction steps).

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He means that this specific issue (adding player object before character loads to crash server) is fixed. So if you are experiencing another form of server crashing due to an exploit, it is caused by another exploit, not the one identified in this thread. So kindly follow the steps he mentioned above :slight_smile:

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Please file new bug/exploit reports for new issues.