Exploiter Issues

Greetings, I am a fellow developer who is having a few problems with people using exploits in my game that I am currently developing and would like some help on how I can prevent exploiters from ruining the experience for new players that visit the game without a exploiter injecting several scripts in to ruin the game with audio’s and mass killing everyone.

I would like to know if there is some sort of anti-cheat for this because I know some games have a anti-cheat that auto kicks users trying to execute scripts/commands into a game that doesn’t welcome exploiters.


Exploits are pretty general to give you a specific solution to this. As you described your sitation, an exploiter is affecting the whole server, in this case, you may have a faulty client-server-client model or possibly a backdoor created by malicious plugins.

The first solution you could try is installing Kronos, this is a plugin that will search for backdoors in your game.

Second is providing information about scripts that handle audio and humanoid health. If your implementation fails to authenticate data passed in remote events/functions, or the respective server script that handles the event signal, this may lead to exploiters taking advantage of these flaws.

Link to Kronos

Third is to avoid using free models. The toolbox is flooded with malicious models and scripts. I highly discourage the use of anything in the toolbox that contains a script.

Also for additional security, you may want to enable SoundService.RespectFilteringEnabled