Exploiter kicking everyone from the server, how to find who?

Okay, I am not being kicked with all scripts being disabled. I have enabled all the scripts and I am not being kicked as well. This only occurs when there is a large number of players in a server like 20+ players.

true, but theres a chance it could just be open to everyone

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I don’t think someone that created a user would be dumb enough to do that.

Again this is a backdoor, 100% uses discord webhook to log games. The reason it happens when there’s a lot of people because the users notice it and just have fun.

Does anyone join the server right before it shuts down?

No, it usually happens when the Interview/Training session is at an important part and the server is already slocked.

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I have no more ideas what to do. Maybe you could send me a video how this happens please?
(console log included)

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I agree with you,that it must be an backdoor,but here’s an answer to you


I will say again,someone must be using an exploit,as Vong25 said,it usually happens when there is 20+ or less,meaning that someone between them,must be doing it.


Unfortunately, it would be difficult to have a video of how this happens as it happens randomly.

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Exploits cannot run scripts on the server only on the client.


I have noticed something:
It prints out owner’s (LocalPlayer’s) name. And I need @COUNTYL1MITS’s console log to see if it still prints out owner’s name or LocalPlayer’s. Who knows what owner could put into his game?

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LocalPlayer does not exist on the server so its owners name.


Hiya, I did not take a screenshot at that time, but I can say I did see Paul’s name.

DevConsole isn’t 100% accurate. In my game I oftenly see client outputs in server tab.

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Woah, well that means a lot. Looks like owner has put some stuff in the game.
Since client-side cannot kick others, it’s probably a remote. Forgot that it’s random.
In fact, does it even still happen?

I would say it is still happening as it has happened earlier today.

Right now just try joining some servers an waiting until everyone gets kicked out, I think that this has stopped.
If you will see a shutdown then be sure to post the console log.

Alright, I will be sure to screenshot the console whenever this happens again.

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Feel free to contact me to remove backdoors.
samtheman#7181. I’ve done it for many games and find any sort of obfuscated script or virus that their is.

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Do you mind sharing how you remove backdoors/obfuscated scripts/viruses?


Custom Made script. I will release something to remove them soon most likley.