Exploiter started joining my game and everytime he runs script that makes me unable to ban him

Also, I seriously hate create.roblox.com when it comes to viewing assets. I viewed this instead: [Adonis] Alerts Module - Roblox
There’s so much functionality missing from create.roblox.com, like the comments, dislikes, favorite, etc. It’s so annoying.


Might this be the main problem?

It might not be the same virus, but yes that’s a virus. Press Ctrl + Shift + F while not viewing a script, and search for ‘RoSync Loader ]]’

Yessir that is the backdoor for sure

Thank you guys so much. I found it in one of weapons my stupid friend made.

Its most likely in every script because its caused by a plugin so maybe a person on your team has a bad plugin

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No it’s only in some scripts from guns. My friend told me they were from one creator. Anyways, thanks for help so much.

You should now test to see if you can type ‘ban’ or ‘kick’ with no issues. If it doesn’t let you, there’s still a virus. Also make sure to delete those two original scripts in the OP.

It never lets me when exploiter executed some sort of script. So I will have to wait to test it.

I found the root of the backdoor https://create.roblox.com/marketplace/asset/8964582000/Inspire

Could you run this script in the command bar and tell me if it prints anything?

for _, service in pairs(game:GetChildren())
		if not ("Workspace, ReplicatedStorage"):match(service.ClassName) then
			for _, obj in pairs(service:GetDescendants()) do
				if obj:IsA("RemoteEvent") or obj:IsA("RemoteFunction") then

Save your game before running, I’m not sure if it will lag or not.
This will tell you all remotes in the game which you did not add, if there are any.

Ok, sure. Sorry for long response.

Here you go. It is broken I guess…

So it didn’t work, what was the error? I didn’t test this script.

It was error. I inputted it through console and through command bar. Both didn’t work.

Try this instead? It could freeze for a second or two depending on how many objects are in your game.

local remotes = {
	Event = {},
	Function = {},

for _, obj in pairs(game:GetDescendants())
		if obj:IsA("RemoteEvent") then
			table.insert(remotes.Event, obj)
		elseif obj:IsA("RemoteFunction") then
			table.insert(remotes.Function, obj)


Nope still won’t work. Sad. It requires 30 symbols so I’m writing it like this

Okay, last one. If it doesn’t work, forget about it:

for _, obj in pairs(game.JointsService:GetDescendants()) do
	if obj:IsA("RemoteEvent") or obj:IsA("RemoteFunction") then

Reason: Random remote event in joints service

Nothing came after the code.