Exploiters and how they spoof stuff in your own game

Thats not how exploiting works lol

And dont bump useless topics

what if they just decompile ur casual script & remove the check tho

make a anti TP serversided to avoid people using walkspeed

if they do that with ur walkspeed then crash their game ( while true do end )

and you can literally just make the speed check on the server?

That doesn’t work, client changes are not replicated to the server, it would stay as 16 on the server. Hence why people do it on the client

you can literally detect speed changes on the server ive done it with basically that code too lazy to go get it

What is this power? Show me the magic!

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You can use .magnitude to check the distance the player has travelled,
If its more then walkspeed (on server)+[threshold] you can kick or ban him.

They can can run game:GetService("ScriptContext"):SetTimeout(0.1) and bypass your crash the moment it was executed

Well, In that case. Disable your game, Just remove all remotes, and do as much damage as you can.

And if worse comes to worse, do more devious things which invokes the client into such a state it can no longer run a basic script without crashing, or potentially shutting down. (Will kill performance.)

	while wait() do
		local char = plr.Character or plr.CharacterAdded:Wait()
		local Pos1 = char.UpperTorso.Position
		local Pos2 = char.UpperTorso.Position
		local Distance = (Pos2 - Pos1).magnitude
		if Distance > 19 then
			plr:Kick("Sussy speed pls stop hacking")

I suggest you don’t actually kick people

It kicked me even though I wasn’t exploiting. You should replace the kick with

local HRP = char.HumanoidRootPart
HRP.CFrame = CFrame.new(Pos1) * CFrame.Angles(HRP.CFrame:ToOrientation())
--You can remove " * CFrame.Angles(HRP.CFrame:ToOrientation())",
--It's more of a cosmetic thing
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I notice that falling out of map kick players

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Can be spoofed in 2 seconds, using metatables… don’t use this please

I don’t think you should do

I would suggest checking if the distance is over the ServerSided WalkSpeed Value +3, That way, if you have a game mechanic that sets the speed to over 19 normal users would not get falsely detected! Example:

if Distance > character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed + 3 then
 --- punishment here
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I’m pretty sure with the current power of metatables, you could spoof humanoid.Running too, I have 0 knowledge on metatables but I’d like to see someone do this

Yes is it is true; you can spoof Humanoid.Running

Yes, but I wanna know how

Humanoid.Running gives the client walkspeed - a simple metatable can fake it.

I’m not experienced in metatables at all, so I want the script of it