Exploiters and proximity prompts

Yes, they should do Checks, If they don’t wanna do that then they could just Remove that feature so Others do it themselves like everyone is.

though i think i found a method to slowly bypass event firing

Anyways to be in topic
yes they can exploit the proximity prompts but you can add checks if its disabled only by server
if you want a script for it here then lol

local ProximityPrompt = script.ProximityPrompt -- Edit
-- Only if the proximity prompt is disabled on server
	if ProximityPrompt.Enabled == true then
	elseif ProximityPrompt.Enabled == false then
		Player:Kick("Unexpected firing on proximity prompt. (Exploit detection)")
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what I recommend doing to reduce the chance of hackers exploiting ProximityPrompts, is checking if its enabled, and checking if it got activated within the prompt’s MaxActivationRange, if it’s not, just don’t do anything

well what if the Proximity prompt had a custom attachment to change its position a little?
(meaning it could be a false alarm)
i mean it could be really based but that would be a little problem

They can’t change the proximity prompt’s position on the server. In their POV, it would look like the proximity prompt had moved but in the server’s POV it would be normal.

local proximityS = game:GetService("ProximityPromptService")

proximityS.PromptTriggered:Connect(function(Prompt, player)
	local promptPos = Prompt.Parent:GetPivot().Position
	if Prompt.Enabled and (player.Character:GetPivot().Position -  promptPos).Magnitude <= Prompt.MaxActivationDistance then
--do stuff here

this is what i mean

keep in mind you’d need to make sure it’s the correct prompt since currently it will fire for any and all prompts getting triggered


i was talking about Offset but it seems like its just kept on the part
so yes you can check parts position then

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