Exploiters & Global Functions (On the client)

It complicates development in the sense that you have to change the way you structure your code, and you are now dealing with a nil-instance scripts which complicates debugging with very little gain.

By “proper design” I mean properly securing your RemoteEvents and Functions, and doing sanity checks on the server to prevent exploits.

The fact of the matter is that the original creator of this thread asked if deleting a script hid the code from exploiters, which it does not. The post is not about “temporarily hiding code” or “slowing exploiters”, it was a question of whether deleting a script hides the code from exploiters, which it does not.

You don’t need to change the whole game’s code structure? You can just have the client antiexploit in one script and the rest in others? Would you SERIOUSLY implement it IN EVERY SCRIPT? That sounds pretty dumb to me

He did not say permanently, so I said it can temporarily, or even permanently (in some way) if he knows what he is doing.

I should have been more specific, I did mean permanently :sweat_smile:
Anyway the script that I was making completely works on the server, it just relies on Animation Events. (Which is annoying when it’s on the server, because sometimes the client loads an animation too late or the player lags while the animation is ongoing causing the timing to be off)

That’s why I was hoping to be able to find a way to put it on the client without exploiters being able to decompile my scripts. I’ve just gone with the solution of not trusting the client

Thanks for your input, I’ll definitely look into what you suggested


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