Exploiting Explained

There are multiple ways to noclip, adonis only checks one way(?), StrafingNoPhysics, However adonis supports plugins so feel free to add your own and/or modify the script entirely.

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Scrolling through replies I see people talking about how other modern games can prevent exploiting much better.

At least a few popular MMOs (or at least their anticheats) use methods that are frowned upon by Windows themselves (especially because they were causing GSODing in Windows test builds somewhat recently)

They actually in a way act like viruses and take control of the system in a way. I don’t believe that would be good for Roblox especially considering Roblox’s cross-platform goals (specifically, the Windows 10 store would not be happy).

(By the way, GSODing is the equivalent of BSODing in a Windows test build. It’s simply to differentiate between test builds and non test builds.)


What I do believe would be nice would be to shut down the little website (no need to name it, I guess those concerned/aware of it know what I am talking to) said exploits are being sold (for hilariously high amount of money for what it is and the kind of “advantages” it gives you, said website is a full fledged “black market” for account stealing, limiteds, exploits and so on, and it goes under the radar.


It’s not that simple. Pay Roblox the hundreds of thousands of dollars in attorney fees it’d cost to go after the website in a legal battle (no guarantee they’ll win) and I’m sure they’ll do it.

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and even after they do a legal battle , what’s to stop another website doing the same thing for the same purpose ?


Court precedents would make a following court case extremely easy compared to the first. But paying engineers to try to come up with anti-exploit solutions is a lot easier, foolproof, and cheaper than a court case.


Pretty sure roblox is more than capable to hire lawyers due to the income they make, I even heard they took exploiters (the big ones or those who make such exploits, not your local nuisance) to court, but that might just be a rumor.

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That’s not what he said.

Then don’t spread them.

Please focus this topic on the technical side of exploiting – legal implications on exploiters or other non-technical solutions should not go on this topic and belong in their own discussion.


Oh I sometimes use freemodels but I do routine checks. Most of my stuff isn’t though. I did shift through 90 percent of my game and remove all the virus scripts. I doubt there’s anything there.

Not sure but like, it would probably stop like half of the exploiting community if we could have a anti-dll inject, probably ban them or disconnect them from the game once some weird dll is injected in robloxplayerbeta yeah lol

and it sucks how we have to rely on the community to report exploits, and devs struggle to perfect a anti-exploit. maybe when it comes to upgrading the anti-exploit it would be nice to make it use the python coding language or use battleeye or something so we wouldn’t rely on our community to do all the work lol hh

This has been in place and maintained for a long while – Roblox are doing a lot.

No and no, each for their own reason discussed by others before.


Python is completely useless for this, it’s just another huge codebase for Roblox to maintain, and wouldn’t actually bring any benefits. There’s just nothing to it that would make things better.

Battleeye or any other anticheat that may depend on kernelmode or be third party would probably be a license hassle and just overall harder to deal with than home brewed.


or maybe because python isn’t actually an “ANTI DLL INJECT”
and that even if its battle eye or whatever you want to call it eventually it’ll be bypassed,
“ohhh fortnite has no cheats OHOOHOH”
sir there are cheats, you just dont know about them

“The reason why roblox does not create / use anti-exploits like this is because:”
Roblox has “Anti exploits” and do use them they just get bypassed?
people seem to think roblox doesn’t do a single thing or care but trust me they do.

“It is up to the developer to create anti-exploits for their game that they own”
It is still Robloxs problem that people are cheating on peoples games that are inside roblox and uses roblox
I’ve seen people patch actual exploits, and I’ve done it myself.
and before people go and say : “why don’t you share with the community”
I don’t spend hours finding loopholes just to share it with people to get it patched after 2 minutes?


Yeah. I agree.

In all seriousness though, Roblox does a lot of things behind the scenes to mitigate exploits. Don’t think they do nothing just because you dont hear about it.


Roblox does a lot with exploits. Forum rules have good information on how to report them.
Roblox won’t be aware if you don’t report it.

As for the developer side, it’s partly true.
If Roblox added in anti-exploits, it could interfere with what you may actually want to do in your game; this was much of the debate when they were coming up with (what would become) Filtering Enabled.

Python is not an IDE, it is a programming langauge.


As AMD_chan said, what you’re suggesting has no basis in any technically possible or generally useful sense. BattlEye isn’t perfect, and I think you have a misunderstanding of what Python is.

You should read up on that here: https://www.python.org/


Amazing lesson on how to minimize the probability of vulnerability.



There is no way a local client hack like Synapse could’ve done this because, like AMD_chan stated, the bytecode for server scripts never get sent to the client.

Here are some more logical reasons your game could’ve been leaked:

  • There is a backdoor in your place, probably from a plugin you insalled
  • Someone with legitimate access to your place leaked it
  • You left the place uncopylocked