Explorer Tab Opens When User Adds Instance

When in team create, if another users adds an Instance into the DataModel, the tree where the Instance was parented will be expanded. This doesn’t happen consistently, but I have noticed that after being in a team create session for a while that it occurs.

I have begun experiencing this issue today. I only have the Terrain Editor beta enabled.

This is a video example where another user is adding parts into Workspace, resulting in the Workspace tree being expanded.

Expected behavior

The explorer tree should only be revealed if I am adding the Instance into the DataModel.

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We are rewriting the entire explorer sometime later this year, so it is unlikely we will fix this until then. I will note this in my list of potential gotchas to avoid.



I understand that this is being marked as not being fixed for now, but it’s gotten to a point where the explorer is completely unusable. I can’t move the parents of instances at all now.

Okay I change my mind after being in a large Team Create session last night…this is definitely unacceptable and a lot worse than I thought :slight_smile:

I will put this on my higher priorities TODOs to investigate and solve before the new explorer work.

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I have a fix for this in flight–you should expect to see it in about 2 weeks.


This also still happens when dragging objects, incase that wasn’t included in the update. If the update isnt out yet, my apologies.

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We’re rolling out the fix for this now. It should take about an hour and a half to reach everyone. Let me know if it doesn’t work.


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