Exported types in Luau

In a (theoretical) module, I have this code declaring an array type:
export type Array<T> = {[number]: T}

How do I then use this type in another script?


So far i know export is not a thing in Roblox lua.

I don’t think export works yet. It’s a little annoying. (EDIT: See my next response)

The values they return at least keep their types but you can’t use them:


export type Point = {x: number, y: number} -- export doesn't change anything
local p: Point = {x = 1, y = 1}
return p


local p = require(script.ModuleScript)

-- it type checks and even knows the name of the type, as expected:
print(p.ASDF) -- error: Key 'ASDF' not found in table 'Point'

-- ...but you can't use it yourself for some reason (with or without export)
local myP: Point = {x = 3, y = 4} -- error: Unknown type 'Point'

BTW @ILiekMelons there’s a new array syntax now—{string} is the same as {[number]: string}. So maybe that fixes your specific problem.


I was completely wrong, my bad!

Right after I wrote that I found this: Type checking - Luau

I’ve never seen this part of the docs before :slight_smile:

But you can do it like this:


export type Point = {x: number, y: number}
return nil -- just so you can require() this without it complaining


-- Module is nil but we can still use its types
local Module = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Point)
-- local p: Module.Point = 4 -- error: type 'number' cannot be converted into 'Point' - woohoo!
local p: Module.Point = {x = 1, y = 2} -- okay!

I didn’t see that either, maybe they just added it or something. Thanks!