Exporting an experience as a .rbxlx removes Welds that arent fully connected to something

Was told to re-post this


System: Windows 10 - 64bit
Studio Version: Version 0.609.0.6090385 (64bit)
Occurs on the entire Roblox Engine


When I export an experience as a rbxlx, all the Weld Instances that aren’t fully connected to something disappear. e.g. a Weld connected to Part0 only but no Part1

Reproduction Steps

  1. Create a local game

  2. Create a Part

  3. Create a Weld underneath the Part

  4. Set Part0 to the created Part!!! (Very Important)

  5. Save To File As .rbxlx, make sure to choose the XML one

  6. Close the Place

  7. Re-open the place from the just saved save file.

  8. The Weld is gone…

Expected Result

The Weld remains.

Actual Result

The Weld disappears.

It’s not there anymore

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We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and will come back as soon as we have updates!

Thanks for flagging!

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Seems related to Exporting an experience as a .rbxlx removes Welds that arent fully connected to something
I think this was the closed bug report

I believe that this functionality has always existed as a convenience, to clean up unused welds. This current functionality may be unexpected for new developers, but the convenience is still there. Could you describe some usecases promoting this change?

Yes, but I was told to re-open it here Something is wrong with LinearVelocity and Tools, unexpectedly changing the NetworkOwnership - #9 by eronaught

The difference is that this Bug Report, doesn’t link to another Bug Report. Maybe it caused issues because it linked to another bug report :person_shrugging:

We are in the process of fixing this now.

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The fix is in the release pipeline. I’ll write back when the fix goes live (should be a couple of weeks).

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This fix for this bug is now in the latest release of Studio!

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I think it’s working, I can not reproduce the issue anymore…

No clue why it says Pending here

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