Extremely long load times

I know for a fact it has nothing to do with the scripts. I deleted every single script and the load times didn’t change.

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Are you using lots of parts in your game?

There’s only about 100 parts in the game.


so removing all scripts and the game still ran terribly?

1000 parts, not 100. Wasn’t letting me edit my reply.

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The game runs fine when it’s loaded, but yes.

well i guess i can’t really do much since it loads fine for me, sorry

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This happens because if your roblox ping connection is bad, it will take longer to load, also if it still takes too long to load although your connection is average and okay, it may be because of the fact it’s still loading unloaded in your client, content provider may be a use to this.

If it still doesn’t change anything, one thing is that you are a running a script with massive loads of unresponsive functions that cause a lot of entities that lag the server.

Again, this isn’t just me. This happens to most people joining the game that don’t have a super good pc. And again, even when every single script is removed from the game it makes no difference.

It’s the amount of parts the server can maintain.

Read the previous replies. We’ve already been over this.

It look about 2 seconds to load in for me. It’s worth noting I have a PC and my internet download speed is 15mbps. You say it has nothing to do with scripts and it has nothing to do with parts because there part count is 1000.
I know nothing about scripts but this seems an issue of older PCs being incompatible with the roblox player, does it not?

Whatever the issue may be, you should add a loading screen. It’d be a lot better looking :+1:

One thing that comes to mind is that it appears that when you walk on stuff there’s audio being played for different materials, do you think it could possibly be loading the audio that causes the long load times, cause in games like VRchat and NEOSvr, audio loading is the bane of online games, I personally instantly loaded in the game, but i have 1gb up/down so it isnt really an issue for me

I think adding a loading screen would be the easy way to solve this problem, since nobody has a clue of what’s happening, I think this would be the best way.

I do not know what exactly is the issue, my internet is perfect. Connecting via WiFi 5 speeds.

Ookla’s speed test suggests higher speeds due to their servers being in Bristol which is closer to me then being in London. (to be honest I swear these results for downloads are faster than what I’m meant to be getting)

It’s around a 10 second loading time, mostly because I’m not on a PC and because it’s not specialised for gaming (got an iGPU after all but the iGPU is fairly capable despite not supporting 4K). Might help deleting some parts as I found some OCD parts:

Yo what platform are you on? I have about 50mbs wifi and every game I try to join takes over 1 minute to load, I think this is a problem with roblox actually. All of my friends who use macbooks (including me) get up to 15 minutes load time without exception (this includes fast wifi). If you check on performance stats and the task manager I think you can check out the exact storage your game takes up. Also this has been happening to me for over 5 years that I have spent on the platform but windows is somehow better on occasion. Its like its choosing to not use all of the internet :thinking:

Unecessary Comment: stop flexing your insane wifi speeds on my trash boarding house internet :frowning:

That part wouldn’t affect anything. That map is temporary and I just can’t be bothered to fix it.

The issue seems to be fixed for now. All I did was copy and paste everything in the game to another empty baseplate.