Failed teleport is never getting processed

Reproduction Steps

I have attached a repro file that can confirm IsTeleporting is hanging. Due to the complexity of this issue, your results may vary. However I did successfully reproduce it here 100% of the time:


  1. Publish the place file as a new game and set it to Public in game settings
  2. Add a new place via Asset Manager under your new game
  3. Copy the new place’s PlaceId into the script where it’s calling TeleportAsync
  4. Publish your changes and join the game

TeleportBug.rbxl (36.7 KB)

Expected Behavior

I expect to be teleported into the other place, with no issues at all.

Actual Behavior

I’m not getting teleported to the other place since TeleportService thinks I’m still teleporting:

The amount of time between teleports doesn’t seem to matter, but I haven’t tried anything above 30s as that’s already an unreasonable amount of time to yield for.


To my knowledge there are currently zero workarounds for this case.

Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Connectivity
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2022-09-29 00:09:00 (-07:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2022-09-29 00:09:00 (-07:00)


hi @Locard,

thanks for the report. I’ll have my team look into this.


Hi Locard,

From your screenshot provided, it seems like the first line of error indicates that the teleport failed due to “Third party teleport protection was unable to confirm safety of teleportation place.” Did you enable third party teleport setting in game?


Hey! So I did some investigation around this property. Enabling it did resolve the teleport and I was able to successfully teleport to the other place.

Disabling it afterwards and retrying the scenario, the teleport went through without an issue.

I figured this flip of the switch would resolve the teleport problems for our test environment, since that’s where this issue derived from. I did the same thing; where I enable Third Party Teleport and went through without an issue, and then disabled it and tested it again, but the Third Party Teleport Protection still blocked me from teleporting while the property was disabled (these places I’m teleporting to are all within the same game).

At least we have a workaround to continue development for now! Thanks for this suggestion!