Failed to load animation - id sinatized

Hi cookie dev let me know if u still here

So my friend already gave me the ownership to the property of his own group to me fully

if im now the owner of the group would i able to upload the anim without no problem?

hmm yea, if you re-upload the animation that error shouldn’t be there. If it is let me know.

Hello cookie i did reupload the animation but still same

Roblox banned my animation model
I name the model as Test Animation
But still same error

hmm weird, and your sure that your putting in the correct animation ID? Because the animations that are giving the errors are old animations.

So to be honest with you
Yes im putting in the correct animation id
let me send u the script

if u see the red color thing is the new animation id
the rest of the animation is old

hmm alright, when I tried searching the animation up, it says its not valid. Maybe try to upload a animation in a different game and see if that works. There could be something wrong with your account.

Because this isn’t a scripting error, Roblox isn’t letting you upload animations.

Yes excatly roblox isnt letting me upload the animation
do u want me try in diff game such as myself anim or group game anim?

try your own game, see if it lets you upload under your own account

Hi cookiedev
Reply if u here pls cuz u able to help me

So i did test the animation on myself in a random game
No group game or any group

and it work without no issue at all

If i do it on group - game it doesnt work

oh alright, could you ask your friend to try uploading the animations?
Its very odd that it won’t let you upload within the group.
You could even try leaving the group, then rejoining. But I’m not too sure what will fix the bug.

Uh i cannot leave the group or ask my friend too

Because my friend give me his group to me
No any role perm im so stresses out on this issue

I hope any roblox staff could answer tho

This has been an issue for a few months now, from what i have seen there is no way to fix it. Sanitized id means still being moderated/been moderated im pretty sure, so i would just wait. Ive experienced this issue so many times, from what i have seen there isnt a fix.

But even if i upload a very very new animation
it would just be deleted by roblox (well also meaning of moderated)
And doesnt matter which anim i upload within the groups is just still

Well that’s very painful. I hope Roblox fixes this sometime soon, although I saw a post like 6 months ago about the same thing, and it hasn’t been fixed yet.

I spent 3 days fixing this issue when designing a live event, the only solution i found was to wait.

Dang i hope roblox fix this kind of issue tho

and i hope there news about this kind of stuff

Its look like this issue
is only targeting the group game animation

i am right?

because if i upload on myself is work the anim

So many posts have been made about this issue so i doubt it.
Although here is something that could possibly work:

Update an old animation you dont use instead of creating a new one,

Does roblox staff has already notice this kind of issue for like few months now?

No idea, this may be intentional for moderation purposes. I dont know much about the issue, but i do know that people are having alot of issues with it.

Hopefully more is spoken about it soon