Failed to load sound


I am having issues with sound in my game, getting a lot of “file not found” and “failed to load” error messages. I’ve tried deleting unused sounds and using PreloadAsync and still not working.

If anyone has any solutions or tips to cover come this it would be much appreciated

Thank you very much,

Show Audio


I tested one of the sounds that you had, and I can assure you that it plays just fine.

Alright, so this issue usually comes from Roblox themselves. If the library is down; it won’t be able to load the sounds. Is there an error code alongside it? Such as Error Code 28?

I know some people are experiencing something similar.
This was 3 days ago.

This was a couple of hours ago:

You can test it out yourself tho create a new Sound and add it in Workplace:
Then check isPlaying, and enter a SoundID:

Preview it to make sure it works then join in game and check if the sound loads or not. If it does not, it is more likely a platform issue; you can restart Studio if that helps, or wait for it to be fixed.

I’m now well-educated on the matter tho, and this is what I heard from other DevForum posts, so if anyone else has a different answer to what is going on then please do post it.

Thank you, and good luck!


Thank you for reaching out. Unfortunately no error messages along side any of the sound failures. I believe at this point it may be an issue out of my hands but will actively keep trying new solutions.

Thank you for your assistance.

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