Failed to reserve server: HTTP 403 (Forbidden) Error

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    I am having issues with this error. I am trying to teleport a party of 4 to another game.

  2. What is the issue?
    I keep on getting the error, " Failed to reserve server: HTTP 403 (Forbidden)". Both places have HTTP Requests on, API Services on, and Third Party Sales. The script creates a private server on the game its teleporting too.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far?
    I have looked everywhere yet, nothing works for me. I have also tried it in the actual game on Roblox. The same error popped up. Here is the part of the script that is giving errors.

	elseif Command == "Ready" then
		if Parties:FindFirstChild(Player.UserId.."'s party") ~= nil then
			local ReserveId = TeleportService:ReserveServer(18236960669)
			local PlayersToTP = {}
			for i,v in pairs(Parties:FindFirstChild(Player.UserId.."'s party").Party:GetChildren()) do
				if v.Value ~= "None" then
				if i == #Parties:FindFirstChild(Player.UserId.."'s party").Party:GetChildren() then

We are affected by the same issue

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have you found any other solution? I wasn’t able to find anything.

Sadly no, we’re waiting for Roblox to fix the issue

So this is a roblox issue? there is no way to fix it?

For us it started happening randomly, no one has touched anything it just started happening. So the only logical explanation would be that this is a Roblox issue.

As you have said there is no one talking about this issue, we’d be thankful if someone actually confirmed that this is indeed on Robloxes end.

Found it Unable to view Developer Products or create new products - #7 by FederalNando .So it is on Roblox

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ah, alright. thanks for updating

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