Fake Volumetric Lighting w/ Beams (Proximity Transparency)

Yes. This is a client script, not a server script.

You have to decrease the exposure to get rid of the banding

I’ve recently returned in a immediate moment as I have found a solution to my previous problem.
I have updated the original post as replied to.

In this version, I have finally addressed the concerns of being able to see the underpart of a beam without the hassles of suggestions provided previously. Originally the transparency of the beam was decided solely by the distance from the camera/character to an attachment point of the beam; this very clearly made the edge of the beam visible if it was observed at the wrong angle from a distance. This newest method resolves this issue by creating infinite imaginary lines that travel in both directions using the orientation of the line created by the two attachment points required for the beam. The distance is then calculated to any given point on the imaginary line-- in idea-- and the transparency is controlled by the distance to the closest point on the “imaginary line”. It’s a very cheap, adequate and good solution. Here is a video to the visual change.

Hope this works for many people!

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I’m back and made some updates.

In this version, I’ve reemployed EndTransparency and StartTransparency, keeping the transparencies of the beams within the values already set for the beam upon being added to the table. However, if you do not like this change, simply replace StartTransparency value with 0, and EndTransparency.Value with 1. In the foreseeing future, I plan to add support for Beams that do not face the camera, creating an infinite plane rather than an infinite line, which is quite simple.

Forgot to mention, In this version, the main purpose of this update was to make sure beams who’s positions are always changing still have this take effect.