Falling From Moving Model

I made a part move horizontally using tween but, when I step on it I can’t stand on it and fall from it. Is there any way to solve it ??

Seat, Weld, Weldconstraint and ETC.

Yeah because it’s not using velocity to move therefore the character won’t inherit any velocity from the moving model.

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That could be solved with raycasting. I’ll reference a post I made last year when responding to a similar question since there’s a lot of different factors that work together in order to achieve the intended effect.

since tweens don’t inherit physics (and its impossible for them to), maybe try making a invisible collidable part inside of that tweening part that is constantly moving to the tweening part? (without welds)

I have made a module which can move players on platform which is being tweened

(also it uses the new velocity based instances)

Parts have both position and velocity.

You are setting only the position, but not the velocity. Therefore, the part will slide out from under anything on it.

The opposite of this: if you keep position the same (anchored part) but add velocity, the part will become a conveyor belt.

Therefore, you should also set the velocity appropriately when tweening a part that players will stand on.

More details in other similar posts I could find from my post history:
How do I make players stay on moving models? - #4 by Eestlane771 (recommended, has code examples)
Physics conveyor vs tweening? - #5 by Eestlane771

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